Sunday, February 19, 2012

Geeky Weekly Funtimez

Episode Reviews
Monday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Bad Girls
Tuesday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Consequences
Wednesday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Doppelgangland
Thursday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Enemies
Friday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Earshot
Saturday: Fringe - The End of All Things

Friday: Fringe - The End of All Things

Meanwhile over on Reads, Mark continues The Two Towers.

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Going on vacation this week and will likely be late for most if not all the reviews. Sadface since this is a pretty fantastic week for BtVS.

Ah, well, I'll just share what I expect to be my favorite Buffy gif that I'll make.
Faith draws a heart on a window and smiles suggestively

(Although the moment in Enemies where Natry chapurf Knaqre was pretty satisfying to gif, too.)
4 replies · active 682 weeks ago
PERFECT WEEK. <3 Seriously - fantastic episodes, he finishes TTT, starts ROTK... IT'S ALL GOOD.
2 replies · active 683 weeks ago
Day 22: Character you wish had been featured in the movies

Maybe Glorfindel? I like that they used Arwen more in the movies, because I hadn't read the appendices when I first saw the movies, so I had no real idea of who she was. But, I enjoyed Glorfindel's character, and wish they had managed to work him into the films somehow.
6 replies · active 683 weeks ago
sooooooooooooooooo many comments sent to moderation today


oh this review and Mark's hilarious ponderings of phrases. <3
1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
OMG. Earshot is this week! aldjf;kasjdf
The new ROTK banner at Reads is ABSOLUTELY AND UTTERLY GORGEOUS and makes me go HHHNNNNNNNGGGGG because SHIPS TO THE WEST. <3 <3 <3

Just wanted to say it.
2 replies · active 683 weeks ago
Mark's prediction post for ROTK:


3 replies · active 681 weeks ago
Day 23: Tom Bombadil - what's his deal (dong dillo)?

I'm not really sure how to answer this "question." He is weird?
5 replies · active 682 weeks ago
so I feel it might interest some people to know that I finished The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner and greatly enjoyed it. <3
7 replies · active 681 weeks ago
I am rereading Persuasion for my senior thesis, and I have always had trouble picturing Anne Elliot in my head. Sometimes if I have trouble, I refer to an actress, and I eventually settled on Lee Pace as Captain Wentworth for some reason (and have never been happierrr &lt;3 Lee Pace *gushes* i am picturing him in a naval uniform and it is delightful) but I honestly just don't know of an actress. I tried googling but I don't want like...Anne Hathaway or any huge mainstream stars that I can think of.

Anybody have any suggestions? Or at least know of dark-haired and preferably dark-eyed actresses in their late twenties to early thirties (or at least look it)? That are pretty but not drop dead gorgeous? I don't like ANY of the three actresses that have portrayed her. I didn't feel they fit Anne very much at all. Does anybody who has read Persuasion have a particular model?

I'm very lucky with Pride and Prejudice in that the actors from the 2005 movie were so close to how I already pictured them that now I picture pretty much the modified-versions of their actors.

Also now all I want to do is finish the last few chapters of this book because I am inside-squealing so hard at Wentworth's and Anne's dance around one another that I am ignoring the 20+ paged paper I have to turn into my mentor by tomorrow night and oh god I only have maybe 10 pages and none of them are in order. And I have to have at least 30 pages by Friday. HI WRITER'S BLOCK, WE MEET AGAIN. (my mentor is going to kiiilll meeeee)

EDIT: OH GOD I MAY HAVE FOUND HER AFTER ALL THIS TIME (and of course after I ask for help blah)...still would love to hear opinions! Or even any sort of related topic haha
12 replies · active 682 weeks ago


1 reply · active 681 weeks ago


HAVE YOU ALL SEEN THIS (DW series seven guest star spoilers/first filming shot)?

5 replies · active 683 weeks ago
My Buffy post tonight may or may not contain a total of six gifs. Oops.

But while I still love it, can I just say that "V'z fb rivy naq fxnaxl... naq V guvax V'z xvaqn tnl" kinda really pisses me off this time, thanks to later... shennanigans? it just me or is the tee-hee-I-shall-allude-to-something-that's-hilariously-referencing-something-coming-up attitude stronger in today's comments? Oblique spoilers are still spoilers and basically, I'm not sure if they skirt close enough to be reportable or not and now I'm flailing at my computer :|
13 replies · active 682 weeks ago
Day 24: Who is your favorite hobbit?

Sam, no Pippin, no Merry, no Frodo, no Bilbo, no Sam, no..........................................................

9 replies · active 681 weeks ago
Is this adorable to anybody else? Same style too. Makes me have hope hahaha

Although apparently he's kind of an asshole...
13 replies · active 681 weeks ago
Mod note: If you want to talk about problems with comments on the main sites, please don't link to or specify which comments you're talking about. Thanks!
1 reply · active 682 weeks ago
Are we doing a music appreciation thread this week? Because I've been listening to this song an awful lot lately:

[youtube p62rfWxs6a8&ob=av3e youtube]

She has such a lovely voice.
3 replies · active 682 weeks ago
Guys, check out this gorgeous and lovely comic! :) <3
Day 25: Who is your favorite dwarf from The Hobbit?

Well this one's easy
6 replies · active 682 weeks ago
Are any of you guys watching Alcatraz? I know we have some Losties and Fringe-folks here, so I was curious. I have to say, I am LOVING every minute of it. In this last episode, the female law enforcement lead got into a confrontation with the bad guy of the week, and instead of being saved by the cis white dude, she used recognizable self-defense that a cop would know to save HER OWN ASS. It was BEAUTIFUL. Plus the two lead characters are a hispanic man (Hurley!) and a woman, and the cis white dude is relegated to a supporting role. There is so much trope subversion and good writing and characterization that I just can't help gushing about it. I haven't been this into a show or its overarching mystery in a REALLY long time.

I think all the episodes are up on Hulu, so it's not too late to catch up!
3 replies · active 682 weeks ago
Day 26: Your favorite type of being in Middle-Earth

Hobbits!!! They are so unassuming, brave, simple (in the best possible way), caring, friendly, all around awesome beings!
4 replies · active 682 weeks ago
*waves timedly*

Uh, hi guys. Long time no see! I've gotten busy...and so behind in both LoTR and Buffy that's there is no possible way in all of reality to catch up, unless you give me a TARDIS. And in all honesty, if you gave me a TARDIS, I'd probably be too busy with all the running to watch/read. XD

8 replies · active 682 weeks ago
so I found pretty much the greatest tumblr ever last night

and I am ridiculously addicted to it <3
3 replies · active 682 weeks ago

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