Sunday, February 12, 2012

Geeky Weekly Funtimez

Episode Reviews
Monday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Wish
Tuesday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Amends
Wednesday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Gingerbread
Thursday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Helpless
Friday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Zeppo
Saturday: Fringe - A Better Human Being

Friday: Fringe - A Better Human Being

Meanwhile over on Reads, Mark continues The Two Towers.

Comments (271)

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Just bought 'The Thief'! So whenever Mark gets to 'The Queen's Thief' series, I'll be a prepared! I can't wait, I've heard good things about the series here.

Glad 'The Princess Bride' is next so I don't have to worry about going out to get the next book for a little while after LotR :)
20 replies · active 684 weeks ago
Ahahahaha, I just noticed the disclaimer. Good times.
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
This is Fiona. I finally gave in and made an account because I was getting bored of trying to find replies to my posts. Unfortunately my Tumblr username was too long so I had to whip out one of my others :) . I'm also all prepared for when Mark eventually gets to Fullmetal Alchemist with my avatar.

I think I'm most excited for The Wish tonight, it's going to be fun seeing what Mark thinks of anything. Also I can't wait to be able to spam the hell out of David Wenham's face once Mark knows about who he actually is.
THE WISH. THE WISH. THE WISH. My very favorite Buffy episode of all time is TODAY. It held up just as well after not watching it for a few years!

(What can I say? I LOVE AU EPISODES. Even the Grey's Anatomy AU episode.)
13 replies · active 684 weeks ago
Did Mark upgrade the Watches server again? After weeks of constant timeouts in the afternoon, I haven't had any issues with it in the last couple of days.




5 replies · active 684 weeks ago

A comment on THG Chapter 1 was reported: "The following comment was reported for the reason: he said shit"

5 replies · active 684 weeks ago
It really figures that the one day this week that I'll be around to comment on time is Amends day.
4 replies · active 684 weeks ago
I think my favorite misspellings of "Doppelgangland" (all in rot13 of course) from today's comments are "Doppleganderland," in which we all have alter-egos in the form of geese, and "Dopplerganger," in which we use radar technology to locate our doubles.
Sometimes, the more I learn about a person whose work I enjoy, the more I fall in love with them. This isn't always the case, but happily it seems to be more often than not. I don't know how many of you have read Graceling or Fire, but Kristin Cashore is one of those people who I just like more and more the more I read her blog. I think we should all take a cue from her and celebrate Pan-Universal Be Who You Are Day. Also I thought you'd all appreciate her list of the kind of people who can celebrate today
6 replies · active 684 weeks ago
Random thoughts, but seeing the word 'purist' on the LOTR posts has reminded me of how much I hate that word. There's something about wanting something to be "pure" that has such negative connotations for me. Hey-o, being raised in an oppressive religious school that valued supposed "purity" above all other things! Which is funny when you consider that purity is supposed to be a good thing in a lot of contexts.

(Also maybe because every person I've met who claims to be a purist has an "um butttttt" attitude towards the thing they are 'pure' about, be it sex, love, or rock'n'roll.)
10 replies · active 684 weeks ago
Day 18: Favorite page to screen translation

I completely forgot to post yesterday! Whoops! Anyway, I have lots of answers to this question, but the two that are coming to mind at this moment are the whole Moria sequence, and Helm's Deep.
8 replies · active 684 weeks ago
Day 19: Least favorite page to screen translation

I am honestly having trouble coming up with something. Pretty much with everything I was not a huge fan of the first time I watched the movies I have come around to accepting and appreciating the differences.
10 replies · active 683 weeks ago
Oh my God. I just rewatched "Helpless". MOST TRAUMATIC EPISODE EVER Y/Y? I think I'd blocked out how upsetting it was.

I mean, powerfully acted, but my GOD that one hurts to watch.
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
So Mark doesn't like The Wish and loves Gingerbread. This may just be the most surprising week I've ever followed on markwatches!

Makes me really curious how he's going to feel about other fan favorites and rejects.
17 replies · active 683 weeks ago
Hey, y'all, you know that shot of Willow being all "*side-eye*" in the opening credits of season 3 of BtVS? Well, I've been wanting to gif that because it's kind of perfect, and I've finally put the disc in my computer to do it. I've got the basic gif done, but I'm feeling like this is a prime opportunity to add some sort of textual stinger to it. Only... I can't think of anything good for it. (I thought "Willow disapproves of this bullshit" would work, but I don't really swear and would therefore be uncomfortable using it myself... though others would, I'm sure, get a lot of mileage out of it.)

So... anyone have a good idea for it? :D
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
The Mark Does Stuff Tour Kick-off Party was fun! A couple interesting tidbits, though.

Show He's Most Looking Forward to Watching: Supernatural. Because he likes Misha Collins's faaaaaaace.

Book He's Most Looking Forward to Reading: The Newsflesh Trilogy!!!

Pictures from the event!
41 replies · active 683 weeks ago
I have got to the point where entirely unironically I feel very, very proud of myself when I've washed my hair. HEY GUYS I AM CLEAN RIGHT NOW and I want the world to know

Also, quite excited for the comments on Helpless and The Zeppo. My own thoughts are tangled and confused, I love to read well set out meta critique on the episodes that I'm not sure about. Anyone got any initial thoughts?
11 replies · active 683 weeks ago
I'm a little more than halfway through A Dance With Dragons and I need to flail a bit. Spoilers in the reply
5 replies · active 683 weeks ago
I had so much fun in the "sharing music" thread yesterday that I thought it might be fun to have an occasional one over here! Maybe even with themes? So I'm kicking off this one with a newly-released video by one of my favorite ladies, Laura Marling. I discovered her because she was dating Marcus Mumford from Mumford & Sons, and then realized that she's so incredibly talented and I kind of got over Mumford but can't get over Marling!

[youtube zR-AOZfLh7w&ob=av2n youtube]
9 replies · active 683 weeks ago
Day 20: Character you liked better in the movies

Theoden. I honestly only kind of connected to him in the books, but Bernard Hill's performance is so powerful that his death scene is so devastating. And his speech before the charge at Pelennor Fields is one of my favorite moments in all of the films.
7 replies · active 683 weeks ago
OH GOD WHAT NOW :'( As if tons of comments being sent to moderation wasn't enough, now a shitton of old comments are in the spam folder at Reads. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH :'(

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