Monday, February 27, 2012

Geeky Weekly Funtimez

Episode Reviews
Monday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Choices
Tuesday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Prom
Wednesday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Graduation Day Part One
Thursday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Graduation Day Part Two (Season Finale)
Friday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season Four Predictions
Saturday: Fringe - A Short Story About Love

Friday: Fringe - A Short Story About Love

Meanwhile over on Reads, Mark continues The Return of the King

Comments (191)

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Sorry about the late post, everyone! But here's a song to kick off the music thread (and because I'm an irreparable gaming nerd, it's video game music :D )

[youtube cAnQQcIncq0&feature=related youtube]
14 replies · active 681 weeks ago
I came up with my comment for "Graduation Day, Part One" on Friday. It is exactly 20 characters long.

The only problem is that I'm not sure whether to post it in boldface or not.
1 reply · active 682 weeks ago
So, last night I went to go watch the next episode of Doctor Who, and I thought that "Turn Left" was next, and I had seen hints that it was really good, so I was excited. Then I realized that I had one more episode before that and was bummed out. Then the episode started with leaving Donna behind and I was even more bummed out.

And then.................I watched Midnight...................................and was blown away.

It was amazing!!!!! And I had no idea that this was such a good episode beforehand (good job not even hinting at it everyone!). For something with such a simple premise and set up, it was incredibly effective, and utterly terrifying and horrifying. Bravo Doctor Who, Bravo!

4 replies · active 681 weeks ago
Re: the schedule - yes, Mark is doing a prediction post for Buffy and Angel on Friday.
Guys, guys

Today, I realised and I am not entirely sure how I missed this--my house is called The Homestead. The house directly opposite mine is called Rivendell.

conspiracy time?? (also there is a Longbottom Lane near where I live, and it makes me laugh every time we drive down it.)

Also also, I'm going to Dublin for a school trip this weekend, and since it involves lots of walking I am procuring a walking stick. My friend swears she can get me a folding one for 99p, and I fully intend to take out the legs out of anyone who makes hilarious jokes along the lines of "hello Grandma!" or "HOBBLE FASTER"
1 reply · active 682 weeks ago
Day 27: Your favorite animal/creature

Well, the obvious answer is ponies, but I'm going to have to go wait, this is my answer. I just love horses!
5 replies · active 681 weeks ago
Does anyone here watch Misfits? I just finished season 3 last night and I am experiencing a lot of emotions. I really didn't expect to care about this show so much but it sucked me in after just a few episodes. There is supposed to be a season 4 this year, right?
3 replies · active 681 weeks ago
Day 28: Most shocking plot twist or WHAT?! NO!!! moment

I'm going to have to go with the end of the Two Towers! Frodo is dead! Sam takes the ring! No wait, Frodo isn't dead but is captured by orcs! YIKES!!!!
4 replies · active 681 weeks ago
I'm not calling out any specific comment, but lately on both reads and watches I keep tripping over the phrase "made me cry like a little girl."

I hate this phrase and all its implications: that crying is something only women do, and only young women at that. That it's something adults should leave behind, should be ashamed of. That being a girl is something to be ashamed of.

But I'm willing to admit my hatred of it may be over-the-top. I guess I'm asking: does it bother other people? Is it worth me (gently, politely) suggesting people find another way to express how verklempt or frightened they are? Or should I just accept it's pervasive and leave well enough alone?
13 replies · active 681 weeks ago
I know I've mentioned here before that I've seen an unfortunately small amount of anime... and I want to change that! My love for Princess Tutu has got my interest in changing that at an all-time high, so I thought I'd ask here for recs, since I figure y'all know my general tastes well enough to give me some good ideas of what to watch.

(One of my sadder gaps is much of the oeuvre of Hayao Miyazaki, which I have started remedying on a one-movie-per-day basis.

Also, I am watching them subbed, because I have this weird thing where a really great dub like Bebop is okay, but I find it incredibly distracting to hear Hollywood actors in the roles. Plus it just seems right to watch them this way.)
29 replies · active 681 weeks ago
Princess Tutu Episode 2 GIFs: Part Two!

So I got around to making the rest of these. Yay! Will be posted in the reply shortly.
4 replies · active 681 weeks ago

The following comment was reported for the reason: Describes Eowyn as "mental".

@eruvadhril commented on Mark Reads 'The Return of the King': Chapter 6 - Mark Reads:

Eowyn? Is FUCKING METAL. She is more metal than the Witch King of fuckin' Angmar, and I don't even know how that's possible.
7 replies · active 681 weeks ago
So I've finally giffed some Addams Family stuff, and ehehehe...

...honestly, in my mind, these movies and BtVS take place in the same universe.
11 replies · active 681 weeks ago
Hello all!
I just wanted to drop a quick comment saying hello and sorry for my recent absence (oh god, so much to catch up on). A week or two of being busy was promptly followed by minor computer problems which became major computer problems and, long story short, I now have a new hard drive. I'll probably only be dropping in and out the next few days still as I'm setting everything back up on my laptop between bouts of fuzzy vision (yay eye infection) but I thought I'd come here and say hello and I missed you all anyway.
*insert happy gif I can't access as they're all still on my external hard drive*
4 replies · active 681 weeks ago
I have a dilemma, I won't be here for the post going up today, and I have a comment prepared for both today and yesterday's episodes, and I was wondering if I posted it over here, could someone could put it up and say it was from me? (I wouldn't want to fail in my duty in posting the official info stuff!)
3 replies · active 681 weeks ago
Day 29: Saddest casualty and/or collateral damage

As far as losing people goes, I'm going to have to go with Theoden. It makes me cry in both it's book and movie forms.

But, really, for me, the biggest casualty is the loss of innocence in the Shire. Having the heroes come home to find the Shire a twisted version of itself always makes me feel like we (and Middle Earth) have lost something incredibly precious.
3 replies · active 681 weeks ago
So I just looked at the calendar and realized there's no day devoted to the Lord of the Rings appendices. Has anyone explained to Mark that they're not all just family trees and linguistics notes--that some of them actually contain, well, the end of the story?

If not, maybe someone should? I can't imagine reading Lord of the Rings without reading The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen and Later Events Concerning the Members of the Fellowship of the Ring. Those contain some of my biggest guaranteed-to-make-me-cry moments in the whole series!
2 replies · active 681 weeks ago
New Hobbit production video!

I've only just started watching so I have no idea what it covers.
6 replies · active 681 weeks ago
GUUUUUUUUUYS I just finished the last of The Queen's Thief books. What am I going to do for the next 5-6 years besides waiting and restraining myself from harassing Megan Whalen Turner and GRRM????

I need to work on my time machine
13 replies · active 681 weeks ago
So I"m watching the first episode of Angel and HOLY SHIT BABY JOSH HOLLOWAY. AMAZING. I was never a big Angel watcher so...that was a pleasant surprise and bodes well for my enjoyment of the show.
5 replies · active 681 weeks ago
I feel the need to share this ongoing conversation I've been having with my coworker:

Last week:
Him: I decided to start reading The Hunger Games, since the movie's coming out soon
Me: Oh, it's really good! You won't be able to put it down, though. Make sure you have some time to spare.
Him: haha, I'm sure I'll be fine

Early this week:
Him: You were right; that book went so fast
Me: Did you like it?
Him: It was great! I'm reading the second one now. But I'm going to take a break after that
Me: No, you're not.
Him: No, there's other stuff I want to read
Me: No, you're going to finish Catching Fire and go right into the next one

Him: You were right. I had to start Mockingjay immediately.
Me: Told you
Him: They're so good, though!
4 replies · active 681 weeks ago
Day 30: Favorite line or scene from the trilogy

I almost forgot to do this today!

In the movies, it's Sam's Hope Speech at the end of Two Towers, in the many choices. I love Frodo's reunion with Bilbo, Gandalf being alive, Eowyn and Merry killing the Witchking, Eowyn and Faramir together and that's just what's right off the top of my head right now. There are too many to count....
2 replies · active 681 weeks ago
omg one more month till Sandman! <3 <3 <3 I wrote my first meta on it today and it felt SO GOOD. I'm going to stockpile some in preparation of Mark's start date.
1 reply · active 681 weeks ago
Not that I want to DRAW ATTENTION to anything but it happens to be my BIRTHDAY (technically over 2 hours ago) and I am not fishing for BIRTHDAY WISHES ( I am) but I wish everyone has a great weekend wih or without the help of spirits (lots of hElp on my end) and happy weekend!!!!!!!!

Thank you autocorrect for getting this mostly right I think
13 replies · active 681 weeks ago

If the Doctor is Space Gandalf, is the Master Space Saruman? Both Saruman and the Master manipulate people with psychic powers and they both like to be called "master"...

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