5 AM* - Mark Reads Witches Abroad - Part 13
8 AM - Mark Watches The Legend of Korra - 4x06 The Battle of Zaofu
1 PM - Mark Watches Star Trek: TNG - 3x18 Allegiance
5 AM - Mark Reads Shatterglass - Chapter 7
8 AM - Mark Watches The Legend of Korra - 4x07 Reunion
1 PM - Mark Watches Star Trek: TNG - 3x19 Captain's Holiday
5 AM - Mark Reads Witches Abroad - Part 14
8 AM - Mark Watches The Legend of Korra - 4x08 Remembrances
1 PM - Mark Watches Star Trek: TNG - 3x20 Tin Man
5 AM - Mark Reads Shatterglass - Chapter 8
8 AM - Mark Watches The Legend of Korra - 4x09 Beyond the Wilds
1 PM - Mark Watches Star Trek: TNG - 3x21 Hollow Pursuits
5 AM - Mark Reads Witches Abroad - Part 15
8 AM - Mark Watches The Legend of Korra - 4x10 Operation Bei Fong
1 PM - Mark Watches Star Trek: TNG - 3x22 The Most Toys
As always, please remember that all video exchanges are to be done in the Black Market, which you'll find linked in the sidebar.
* All times listed are in the US Pacific timezone.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Weekly Shenanigans
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Comments by IntenseDebate
Weekly Shenanigans
Discworld|Mark Reads|Mark Watches|Star Trek|The Circle Opens|the Legend of Korra|weekly summary|
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Medli 141p · 500 weeks ago
El 116p · 500 weeks ago
This week:
Monday: 5x04: 'Qrgbhe'
Wednesday: 5x05: 'Gur Cbfg-Zbqrea Cebzrgurhf'
Friday: 5x06: 'Puevfgznf Pneby'
djinn87 126p · 500 weeks ago
Current Progress: 4x03
Balthier7285 112p · 500 weeks ago
Will play Okami now on my own time, will update here, may even record or stream every once in a while.
Dragon Age Orgins next week
This week
Mega Man 9 Thursday at 8 pm eastern (ONE time only)
May do Final Fantasy VII on Wednesday
After Dragon Age Orgins:
Dark Souls
Weekly Stream To do list
Dark Souls 1
Child of Light
Fallout 3
Thinking about
Beyond Good and Evil
Rayman Legends
Ni No Kuni
The Mark of Kri
looking for suggestions
Not doing
Past Games with my ratings
The Last of Us (4/5)
Valkyria Chronicles (5/5)
Infamous Second Son (3.5/5)
Shadow of the Colossus (2/5)
Mirror's Edge (3/5)
My YouTube Channel
elphaba_cee 113p · 500 weeks ago
This is where Mark lets us know when the new videos are up (they're usually uploaded all at once). Please do not try to buy a new episode until he posts here (or on Twitter) to say there's something new ready to download.
Link exchanges and donations take place on the Black Market post. Below are links to the store page for each show (just click on the show title), plus a list of the episodes that we expect to be uploaded for the week.
I haven't heard any further updates about Doctor Who, which is next up on the double features, but Mark mentioned taking a week off of double features between Korra and Who, so I assume that's the plan unless we hear otherwise.
Coldrun 137p · 500 weeks ago
Art by wolfofragnarok.
This is a web serial about a teenage girl with super powers. Going to try to get through at least three chapters this week.
You can read the entire serial here:
And can download the audiobook version chapter by chapter for free from here:
Note: the author basically says to assume ALL the trigger warnings. Especially so far for bullying, control, domestic abuse, body horror, and anything insect related, but I'm not even halfway through.
Currently on 13.9.
Fajen Thygia 119p · 500 weeks ago
MemoBookworm 114p · 500 weeks ago
More in reply
froborr 115p · 500 weeks ago
On my blog:
Captain's Log, Weekly Digest 32: Following a visit to Qo'noS to get some hint on what the heck is going on (an original story), Morwen scrambles to protect Federation space near the border from the renegade Klingon raiders and their allies (sort of an original story, but stitched together from several of STO's System Patrol optional missions). (Spoilers for Star Trek Online and potentially any and all Star Trek serieseseses.)
Vlog Review: Gravity Falls S1E3: Gravity Falls is getting over its awkward early stages with impressive speed, and I'm definitely enjoying it. (Gravity Falls spoilers.)
(cont in reply)
maruhkati 91p · 500 weeks ago
sarabi_sf 110p · 500 weeks ago
ETA: (Tamora Pierce spoilers) Naq V pna'g jnvg sbe Qnwn rvgure.
Medli 141p · 500 weeks ago
As per the suggestion of FatePlaysGames in last week's post, I've started a Patreon. I might still put up ads too, but for now, you can find the Patreon link in the sidebar. Thanks, everyone!
AtomsOrSystems 92p · 500 weeks ago
So... I just finished re-reading Worm. However, I'm someone that pretty much needs to have a book available to distract myself during downtime, so...
Does anyone have any recommendations in the (preferably High) Fantasy genre? I'm looking for something maybe a little different from my usual Fantasy rut, so I don't want to give too much indication of what I usually like (but I probably wouldn't be here if it weren't for Tamora Pierce/Diane Duane, so there's that.)
Coldrun 137p · 500 weeks ago
Angeal art by miri-chuuei, posted by djinn87.
All prior posts, from FFI through the present, available at TW: body image/weight stuff also discussed on that site.
Current progress: Final Fantasy VII - Crisis Core.
Plactus 102p · 500 weeks ago
(Spoilery through Season 4.)
StungunMilly 108p · 500 weeks ago
I'm so messed up right now. You don't even know. I have not been this emotionally exhausted by a show since Battlestar Galactica.
Fajen Thygia 119p · 500 weeks ago
Aurora_Belle 116p · 500 weeks ago
If anyone's interested, you can see it here:
OcamposMoon 114p · 500 weeks ago
- If you were given the power to add anything, like a rule, or a feature, on the Mark Does Stuff site, what would it be? (Note it must be something that Mark approves of.)
- How much do you guys know about The X-Files?
- What MMORPGs (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games) does anyone play, other than League of Legends?
- Plus, are there any good chess players around here? I'm looking for future challengers.
OcamposMoon 114p · 500 weeks ago
Were you aware of the idea and/or the term of "social justice" before stumbling into Mark Does Stuff? If so, where did you learn those concepts?
Which fanfiction site would you prefer: ao3 (Archive Of Our Own) or Wattpad?
Are there any fellow Filipino/a/xs out there in the Mark Does Stuff community?
Do any of you mention or advertise Mark to your other online friends? (Online only, no offline)
Other than Mark, which person (like an author, a celebrity, or a celebrity author, etc.) would you want to meet and hang out with in real life?
For cake lovers, what is your favorite kind of cake? (It can be any kind of cake.)
What was a thing (i.e. a blog post, an essay, or a book, etc.) that changed your view of the world in general?
What was the first convention you attended? When was it? How did you get in? What were your first impressions of that con and how did you feel about it?
Have you seen any movies from Studio Ghibli? If so, what was the first movie you've seen by them? (Note that this question also includes any movies that Miyazaki-san has not directed.)
What is your D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) alignment? Note that you don't need to play D&D to know about your alignment. You can find out by taking this questionnaire and see your results there.
When and how did you stumble upon one of Mark's sites? This can count for either or both Reads/Watches.
How many of you are familiar with the Tales franchise?
Which Rei do you guys prefer? Ayanami or Ryugazaki? (any other character named Rei is also welcome)
When did you first stumble upon or know about Princess Tutu? How?
Have you ever played any of the LittleBigPlanet games for the PS3 (or have LBP3 for PS4)?
P.S. Please support arctic_hare on Patreon! The link is on the sidebar of Spoils!
aadikah 105p · 500 weeks ago
azdarkwater 120p · 500 weeks ago
RadagastWiz 110p · 500 weeks ago
I have to copy the links to another browser to work around that. The only other one I had installed is IE.
I upgraded to Windows 10 on the weekend. So, I pasted the link to Edge.
EDGE DOES NOT ALLOW YOU TO DOWNLOAD A LINK. There literally is no 'save link as' function.
I was a bit panicky for a minute. Then I realized IE is still installed! It's a separate app!
Microsoft is weird.
Highstrungdaisy 107p · 500 weeks ago
My mom's section of our bookshelf was almost entirely King growing up- she had several first editions as well (I wont touch her copy of The Gunslinger because its a first edition and I've seen copies go as high as $1000 on Ebay), I started picking up some of them in middle school, but never touched the Dark Tower.
When she finished the series, she was so pissed that she refused to ever reread it, and hasn't enjoyed any King she's read since. She has informed me though, that she has problems with endings (and that she behaved pretty much the same way with Lost until I convinced her to rewatch it with me last year when she realized she didn't really remember much).
With the movie having a supposed release date of 2017 now, I feel like I have to
So into the rabbit hole I go
Fajen Thygia 119p · 500 weeks ago