5 AM* - Mark Reads Shatterglass - Chapter 4
8 AM - Mark Watches The Legend of Korra - 4x01 After All These Years
1 PM - Mark Watches Star Trek: TNG - 3x13 Deja Q
5 AM - Mark Reads Witches Abroad - Part 11
8 AM - Mark Watches The Legend of Korra - 4x02 Korra Alone
1 PM - Mark Watches Star Trek: TNG - 3x14 A Matter of Perspective
5 AM - Mark Reads Shatterglass - Chapter 5
8 AM - Mark Watches The Legend of Korra - 4x03 The Coronation
1 PM - Mark Watches Star Trek: TNG - 3x15 Yesterday's Enterprise
5 AM - Mark Reads Witches Abroad - Part 12
8 AM - Mark Watches The Legend of Korra - 4x04 The Calling
1 PM - Mark Watches Star Trek: TNG - 3x16 The Offspring
5 AM - Mark Reads Shatterglass - Chapter 6
8 AM - Mark Watches The Legend of Korra - 4x05 Enemy At the Gates
1 PM - Mark Watches Star Trek: TNG - 3x17 Sins of the Father
As always, please remember that all video exchanges are to be done in the Black Market, which you'll find linked in the sidebar.
* All times listed are in the US Pacific timezone.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Weekly Shenanigans
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Comments by IntenseDebate
Weekly Shenanigans
Discworld|Mark Reads|Mark Watches|Star Trek|The Circle Opens|the Legend of Korra|weekly summary|
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MoElskerDeg 125p · 501 weeks ago
A few things:
- Some of you may remember me, well over a year ago, discussing ads being placed so that we could donate the funds to Mark/give away items from his store, which never happened due to some unexpected events
- Both arctic_hare and I kind of totally forgot that like, income taxes were a thing (in our defense, we were both unemployed) and your lovely moderator, who was to be in charge of the money, would have been thoroughly screwed had ze made money off of the site and gave it all away to Mark who, as generous as he is, does not qualify as a charity (I'm pretty sure, anyway)
- arctic_hare has been moderating this site for several years now, mostly on zir own, with zero compensation aside from gratitude, and as zir best friend I'm like "TREAT YO SELF" and have finally convinced zir to set up ads and make money off of zir hard work (which, in case you were wondering, I will not be touching)
- I am still technically a moderator of Spoils as it pertains to the actual blog (in fact, all past mods are technically still mods, lol) and am helping your actual moderator implement them. We're testing things out at the moment so bear with us
- We know change is scary and ads are gross but we'll do our best to keep them as unobtrusive as possible
Long story short: *shoves ads in your face to help my best friend*
ETA: Hi everyone! Thanks for all the nice messages and the support!! <3
The thing is, some lovely person(s?) from Ireland* seem to be aggressively clicking, which is very sweet and the estimated earnings has gone waaaay up, but the thing is that Google is smart and will likely count those clicks as invalid and 1) Bunny won't get paid for it and 2) we could get zir account canceled if that keeps happening. I appreciate the effort and the sentiment, as I'm sure arctic_hare does as well, but please don't click too often, okay? Thanks so much! <3
*Zir account has an estimated $5+ earned today and out of that exactly $0.01 has been earned from the United States and the rest is from Ireland and unless we have waaay more Irish people than I thought... :P
Medli 141p · 501 weeks ago
djinn87 126p · 501 weeks ago
Current Progress: just finished 3x02
KickbackYak 122p · 501 weeks ago
It's time to take that test.
Current progress: Episode 5
Michael_reads 96p · 501 weeks ago
Balthier7285 112p · 501 weeks ago
live blog Princess Mononoke Sunday Aug 2 at 8 pm EDT (New York time). I got the dvd version and will hit play at 8 (not sure how much copyright or title screens there are before the movie actually starts)
using the wonderful mark spoils chatroom, not the main room but the special #markspoilslive one on synIRC
so we are just less than 90 minutes away
Balthier7285 112p · 501 weeks ago
NOTE: important announcement in reply
This week
Okami Thursday at 8 pm eastern (hopefully)
After Okami:
A one time game (one session only)
Dragon Age Orgins
Weekly Stream To do list
Dark Souls 1
Child of Light
Fallout 3
Thinking about
Beyond Good and Evil
Rayman Legends
Ni No Kuni
The Mark of Kri
looking for suggestions
Not doing
Past Games with my ratings
The Last of Us (4/5)
Valkyria Chronicles (5/5)
Infamous Second Son (3.5/5)
Shadow of the Colossus (2/5)
Mirror's Edge (3/5)
My YouTube Channel
check out the latest FF 7 videos posted there.
theparsleysage 93p · 501 weeks ago
I have just started re-reading the series for the umpteenth time, and am very much looking forward to when Mark gets around to reading it. Looking at the list of video commissions has answered one of my questions and raised another:
Fbzrbar unf pbzzvffvbarq puncgre guvegrra.... Ubj zhpu pbashfvba jvyy guvf pnhfr jura vg vf qvfpbirerq gung gurer vf ab puncgre guvegrra? Jvyy fbzrbar or qhr sbe n pbzcrafngvba pbzzvffvba? V nz rntre gb frr gur pbashfvba hasbyq, ohg nz nyfb pbaprearq sbe guvf cbbe crefba jub vfa'g va ba gur wbxr...
V nz nyfb ybbxvat sbejneq gb gur svefg sbbg-abgrecubar pnyy, gb frr ubj ybat vg gnxrf Znex gb svther bhg jung'f tbvat ba :)
elphaba_cee 113p · 501 weeks ago
This is where Mark lets us know when the new videos are up (they're usually uploaded all at once). Please do not try to buy a new episode until he posts here (or on Twitter) to say there's something new ready to download.
Link exchanges and donations take place on the Black Market post. Below are links to the store page for each show (just click on the show title), plus a list of the episodes that we expect to be uploaded for the week.
forensicfanatic 115p · 501 weeks ago
Current Quest:
I got a whole bunch done on Saturday, so ready yourselves for updates over the next couple days! I'm actually right where I left off previously, so I'll finally be digging into new stuff in Witcher 2. SO EXCITED.
El 116p · 501 weeks ago
This week:
Monday: 5x01: 'Erqhk'
Wednesday: 5x02: 'Erqhk VV'
Friday: 5x03: 'Hahfhny Fhfcrpgf'
I'm going on vacation this week, so the individual episode threads might appear at weird times, and if they aren't around by the time people want to post about a particular episode, just post them yourselves? :)
Highstrungdaisy 107p · 501 weeks ago
The original and Pup Named were my favorite shows as kids, and I greatly enjoyed the first couple made-for-video movies from the late 90's. My brother lured me in with the promise that "guvf vf yvgrenyyl gur bayl Fpbbol Qbb jvgu na birenepuvat cybg naq punenpgre qrirybczrag" and also that if I liked Gravity Falls, I would love it.
OcamposMoon 114p · 501 weeks ago
Were you aware of the idea and/or the term of "social justice" before stumbling into Mark Does Stuff?
Which fanfiction site would you prefer: ao3 (Archive Of Our Own) or Wattpad?
Are there any fellow Filipino/a/xs out there in the Mark Does Stuff community?
Do any of you mention or advertise Mark to only your closest friends online? (Online only, no offline.)
Previous questions can also be answered here too, so here they are:
Other than Mark, which person (like an author, a celebrity, or a celebrity author, etc.) would you want to meet and hang out with in real life?
For cake lovers, what is your favorite kind of cake? (It can be any kind of cake.)
What was a thing (i.e. a blog post, an essay, or a book, etc.) that changed your view of the world in general?
What was the first convention you attended? When was it? How did you get in? What were your first impressions of that con and how did you feel about it?
Have you seen any movies from Studio Ghibli? If so, what was the first movie you've seen by them? (Note that this question also includes any movies that Miyazaki-san has not directed.)
What is your D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) alignment? Note that you don't need to play D&D to know about your alignment. You can find out by taking this questionnaire and see your results there.
When and how did you stumble upon one of Mark's sites? This can count for either or both Reads/Watches.
How many of you are familiar with the Tales franchise?
Which Rei do you guys prefer? Ayanami or Ryugazaki?
When did you first stumble upon or know about Princess Tutu? How?
Have you ever played any of the LittleBigPlanet games for the PS3?
sheepdog12 74p · 501 weeks ago
MemoBookworm 114p · 501 weeks ago
More in reply
Coldrun 137p · 501 weeks ago
Art by phobso, posted by djinn87.
All prior posts for FFI through the present available at
Current progress: Final Fantasy VII - Crisis Core.
Coldrun 137p · 501 weeks ago
This is a web serial about a teenage girl with super powers. Going to try to get through at least three chapters this week.
You can read the entire serial here:
And can download the audiobook version chapter by chapter for free from here:
Note: the author basically says to assume ALL the trigger warnings. Especially so far for bullying, control, domestic abuse, and anything insect related, but I'm not even halfway through.
FatePlaysGames 85p · 501 weeks ago
Now includes the 2014 Christmas Special. As it's out, he feels there's no sense in waiting for it, so it's now also available to commission (Mark didn't specify anything beyond that, such as covering the cost of the episode).
I can't personally commission it at the moment, but if it's still available close to the recording time, I'll see what I can do. 8x10 is also still available for commission.
froborr 115p · 501 weeks ago
On my blog:
Captain's Log, Weekly Digest 28, 29, 30, and 31: The ongoing chronicle of my Star Trek Online character, Adm. Eilonwy Nerys Morwen. These adventures include the conclusion of my Delta Quadrant adventure, promotion to Fleet Admiral, and the beginnings of an original adventure by yours truly involving trying to avert a new war with the Klingons. (Spoilers for STO definitely, and potentially for any and all Trek.)
Videos: Live Reaction and Vlog Review, Steven Universe Episodes 48-9: In which Steven Universe shifts in my estimation from "really good" to "one of the best shows I've ever seen." Panel: Postmodern Anime at Anime Boston 2015: Video of a panel I gave at AB earlier this year. Vlog Reviews: Gravity Falls S1E1 and E2: Starting to vlog a new show, Disney channel's coming-of-age story/Twin Peaks parody Gravity Falls. At least I think that's what it is so far?
Near-Apocalypse of '09 posts: My exploration and psychochronography of the DCAU continues with You never got a laugh out of the old man (Joker's Favor), Crisis on N Earths (N=1): Cartoon Network, Man to freakshow (Vendetta), and The expert on troubled kids (Fear of Victory), covering, among other things, the first appearance of Harley Quinn, the launch of Cartoon Network, the importance of framing in determining the audience's sympathies, and the return of Scarecrow and the question of whether Batman actually wants to win.
Other stuff: A piece on why I and many other Jews find the term "Judeo-Christian" offensive, a brief review of Inside Out (spoilers!), and an attempt to nail down that je ne sais quoi that, irrespective of quality, makes some cartoons appeal to me much more than others.
On my Patreon:
$2+/mo Patrons got Near-Apocalypse articles covering the infamous anti-comics book Seduction of the Innocent, the Emmy-winning BTAS 2-parter "Robin's Reckoning," and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
$5+/mo Patrons got vlogs on Gravity Falls episodes 4, 5, and 6, and Star vs. The Forces of Evil episode 1.
megotelek 112p · 501 weeks ago
CJWriterGal 119p · 501 weeks ago
Here are the links:
And below you'll find a few examples if you're curious as to what they are like.
Fajen Thygia 119p · 501 weeks ago
TW: High places, motion sickness, car crashes
Saralinda_13 94p · 501 weeks ago
Sara 104p · 501 weeks ago
Qbrf nalbar ungr gur zveebe havirefr rcvfbqrf? Be vf vg whfg zr?
Fajen Thygia 119p · 501 weeks ago