5 AM* - Mark Reads Guards! Guards! - Part 10
8 AM - Mark Watches Leverage - 2x02 The Tap-Out Job
1 PM - Mark Watches Star Trek: The Search for Spock
5 AM - Mark Reads Briar's Book - Chapter 3
8 AM - Mark Watches Leverage - 2x03 The Order 23 Job
1 PM - Mark Watches Supernatural - 8x13 Everybody Hates Hitler
5 AM - Mark Reads Guards! Guards! - Part 11
8 AM - Mark Watches Leverage - 2x04 Fairy Godparents Job
1 PM - Mark Watches Star Trek: The Voyage Home
5 AM - Mark Reads Daja's Book - Chapter 4
8 AM - Mark Watches Leverage - 2x05 The Three Days of the Hunter Job
1 PM - Mark Watches Supernatural - 8x14 Trial and Error
5 AM - Mark Reads Guards! Guards! - Part 12
8 AM - Mark Watches Leverage - 2x06 The Top Hat Job
1 PM - Mark Watches Star Trek: TNG - 1x01 Encounter at Farpoint, Part I
As always, please remember that all video exchanges are to be done in the Black Market, which you'll find linked in the sidebar.
* All times listed are in the US Pacific timezone.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Weekly Shenanigans
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Comments by IntenseDebate
Weekly Shenanigans
Circle of Magic|Discworld|Leverage|Mark Reads|Mark Watches|Star Trek|Supernatural|weekly summary|
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Medli 141p · 527 weeks ago
KickbackYak 122p · 527 weeks ago
elphaba_cee 113p · 527 weeks ago
This is where Mark lets us know when the new videos are up (they're usually uploaded all at once). Please do not try to buy a new episode until he posts here to say there's something new ready to download.
Link exchanges and donations take place on the Black Market post. Below are links to the store page for each show (just click on the show title), plus a list of the episodes that will be uploaded for the week.
Coldrun 137p · 527 weeks ago
All prior playthrough posts for FFI through the present available at
Current progress: Final Fantasy VII.
Aczr 104p · 527 weeks ago
Michael_reads 96p · 527 weeks ago
bookyworm 82p · 527 weeks ago
City is one of those words that I absolutely love for the aesthetics. Anyway, not much has happened but I wanted to give this book at least two posts since I slacked so much on the last ones.
(Seriously though, why are these ones so short? Robin Hobb books are supposed to be 700 pages long and in trilogies.)
sorka42 96p · 527 weeks ago
Any suggestions of what to watch first?
One thing, I don't watch is Sitcoms. I have secondary embarrassment issues. I react badly to them.
Balthier7285 112p · 527 weeks ago
This project the spoils community writes a story one person at a time with the goal of having Mark read it while on tour. (If we can have him agree to be on video, even better)
The rules as follows:
1) Write one to NO LIMIT here in the replies section, it can be whatever you want. You can help the story go, or post something outrageous to mess it up. Just please make sure the transitions are smooth.
2) Please wait a while before adding part to the story, at least one author and 12 hours.
3) Please try not to include any major trigger content or spoilers, espically Mark's Triggers.
that's it, feel free to read the story in whole or just the last sentence when you contribute yours.
I have created a google doc to organize all the content as its being written, the body of the story and the credits at the end to list all of the authors who contributed, even if its only once sentence.
Google document to for the story
I update the document only once or twice a week, not every time someone writes something
Balthier7285 112p · 527 weeks ago
Trigger Warnings are unknown as I have not played before but according to the rating label its rated T(as in PG-13) for Blood, Drug reference,Language, Sexual Themes and Violence
Next up is Shadow of the Colossus (BLIND)
watch the replies section, I may do a bonus show of a different game will give at least a 30 minute warning.
The game is a secret (its called penfu onaqvpbbg gjb if your worried about spoilers), but it was released in the 90's very little plot, and can be easily followed, even if you know nothing about the game. (like the first three NES Mario games, that kind of easy to follow)
looking for suggestions for future projects, info in repy
hpfish13 115p · 527 weeks ago
Current Progress: Season 2, Episode 21
CJWriterGal 119p · 527 weeks ago
The Let's Play videos aren't up yet (I tried to record one last night, but I had some issues with the controller), however there will soon be two video game reviews as well as my intro video up. Keep an eye out if you're interested!
Once again, the first game I'll be playing is Portal 2, which I have in fact played before. Any feedback to help me improve as I go along is much appreciated.
CJWriterGal 119p · 527 weeks ago
I know I've shared them a couple of times after I made them, but I suppose there's never a bad time for shameless self-promotion. *shrug*
Yeah, I really like to make AMVs. So far I've made them for the Final Fantasy series (7-13), Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, The Legend of Korra, Game of Thrones, and Princess Tutu. I'll post the ones that I think are my personal best in the replies.
MemoBookworm 114p · 527 weeks ago
More in reply
Fajen Thygia 119p · 527 weeks ago
Spiderman is now part of the MCU.
(Upcoming MCU movie) Ubcrshyyl va gvzr sbe Pvivy Jne. Cebonoyl abg gubhtu.
schlick51 71p · 527 weeks ago
Fajen Thygia 119p · 527 weeks ago
image by CosmoWilton
I verbed Night Vale on this site a while ago. I had a lot of fun with it, but then I got caught up and the two-week waiting period was too much for me. But now I have tickets to the St. Louis event on May 5th and realized I really should catch up. The last episode I heard was 37 - Gur Nhpgvba.
hansfish 80p · 527 weeks ago
Fb va vg Uneqvfba gryyf Ryvbg gung gurve pbqr vf tbvat gb or "vs V zragvba na rira-ahzorerq zbivr, fbzrguvat'f hc, ohg vs V zragvba na bqq-ahzorerq zbivr, rirelguvat vf svar orpnhfr gubfr barf fhpx" be fbzrguvat gb gung rssrpg. V'z abg fher vs Znex unf zragvbarq pbzvat npebff guvf cnegvphyne FG guvat orsber; vf nalbar jbeevrq vg'f tbvat gb rkcrpgngvba-fcbvy uvz? Whfg zr? (... bxnl.)
Nyfb, er: "Gur Enqvb Wbo", nalobql xabj vs Znex unf frra Qvr Uneq? Vg'f abg arprffnel, V qba'g guvax, ohg Ryvbg'f jubyr guvat vf FB UVYNEVBHF vs lbh unir.
... edit: ... it occurs to me, immediately after having posted this comment, that I watched the video for this episode and that seemed to blow right past Mark, so probably there's nothing to worry about, uh. My other question still totally stands, though.
alan713ch 109p · 526 weeks ago
I'm not the only one watching this, right?
hpfish13 115p · 526 weeks ago
KateO 78p · 526 weeks ago
This week's blog post is more of a personal reflection than an academic analysis, but you might enjoy it anyway. Just my thoughts on Disney's Snow White, how she affected me as a kid, and what we can take from her story.
BornIn1142 102p · 526 weeks ago
What would you recommend?
Currently, I have an old figurine of Asuka from Evangelion and a poster of the webcomic Ava's Demon hanging on my wall.
Maybe I'm just on the Star Trek wavelength right now, but my current favorite idea is getting a model of either an Enterprise D or a Romulan D'deridex. (Babylon 5 probably doesn't have too much on offer, or I'd go for a Shadow Battlecrab.) There's a whole bunch of comic book covers I'd like to have on my wall, but those don't seem to be particularly easy to find either.
I don't really know too much about these things, so if you know any neat websites for models or comic book art prints or such, and that do international shipping, I'd love to hear about them.
ScarlettMi 124p · 526 weeks ago
BSGfan1 99p · 526 weeks ago
lilykep 113p · 526 weeks ago
I'm so sorry I'm late putting this up.