5 AM* - Mark Reads Briar's Book - Predictions
8 AM - Mark Watches Leverage - 1x11 The 12-Step Job
1 PM - Mark Watches Supernatural - 8x10 Torn and Frayed
5 AM - Mark Reads Guards! Guards! - Part 8
8 AM - Mark Watches Leverage - 1x12 The First David Job
1 PM - Mark Watches Star Trek: The Motion Picture
5 AM - Mark Reads Briar's Book - Chapter 1
8 AM - Mark Watches Leverage - 1x13 The Second David Job
1 PM - Mark Watches Supernatural - 8x11 LARP and the Real Girl
5 AM - Mark Reads Guards! Guards! - Part 9
8 AM - Mark Watches Leverage - Season 2 Predictions
1 PM - Mark Watches Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
5 AM - Mark Reads Briar's Book - Chapter 2
8 AM - Mark Watches Leverage - 2x01 The Beantown Bailout Job
1 PM - Mark Watches Supernatural - 8x12 As Time Goes By
As always, please remember that all video exchanges are to be done in the Black Market, which you'll find linked in the sidebar.
* All times listed are in the US Pacific timezone.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Weekly Shenanigans
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Weekly Shenanigans
Circle of Magic|Discworld|Leverage|Mark Reads|Mark Watches|Star Trek|Supernatural|weekly summary|
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Medli 141p · 528 weeks ago
Balthier7285 112p · 528 weeks ago
Made changes to the guidelines to help the story grow
This project the spoils community writes a story one to five sentences, one person at a time with the goal of having Mark read it while on tour. (If we can have him agree to be on video, even better)
The rules as follows:
1) Write only one to five sentences here in the replies section, it can be whatever you want. You can help the story go, or post something outrageous to mess it up. Just please make sure the transitions between sentences are smooth.
2) Please wait a while before adding part to the story, at least two authors
3) Please try not to include any major trigger content or spoilers, espically Mark's Triggers.
that's it, feel free to read the story in whole or just the last sentence when you contribute yours.
I have created a google doc to organize all the content as its being written, the body of the story and the credits at the end to list all of the authors who contributed, even if its only once sentence.
Google document to for the story
Coldrun 137p · 528 weeks ago
All posts for prior playthroughs, from FFI through the present, available at
Current progress: about to start Final Fantasy VII! I bought the game on Steam, and that purchase is as far as I go so far. First post will probably be Tuesday.
Balthier7285 112p · 528 weeks ago
Shows (almost) every week, on Thursdays at 8 p.m. EST
Its time to start Infamous Second Son on PS4, this is a BLIND run, I know very little about this game both plot and gameplay wise.
Trigger Warnings are unknown as I have not played before but according to the rating label its rated T(as in PG-13) for Blood, Drug reference,Language, Sexual Themes and Violence
Next up is Shadow of the Colossus (BLIND) not Final Fantasy Type 0
After that taking suggestions
Can do (finished, but I could put a new spin on things or use restrictions)
Kingdom Hearts 1,2 or Birth by Sleep
Beyond Two Souls
Final Fantasy 7,8,9,10 or 10-2
Any of the Ratchet and Clank series on PS3
Can do (played or tried but not finished)
Tales of Graces f
Final Fantasy XIII
Sly Fox series
Can do (All of these blind, Know nothing about them and never played them.
Final Fantasy Type 0
Dragon Age Orgins
Mirror's Edge
Open to other Ideas as well, just tell me what kind of game it is (RPG, action, etc)
Can only do things playable on PS3(ps classics too) and PS4
I really like the Final Fantasy Series(not 2,3 or 12), Kingdom Hearts Series, Ratchet and Clank Series, I also like the Tomb Raider Rebbot on ps3 and the Uncharted series. I really like games with a good story.
Not a fan of First Person Shooters and MMO's
elphaba_cee 113p · 528 weeks ago
This is where Mark lets us know when the new videos are up (they're usually uploaded all at once). Please do not try to buy a new episode until he posts here to say there's something new ready to download.
Link exchanges and donations take place on the Black Market post. Below are links to the store page for each show (just click on the show title), plus a list of the episodes that will be uploaded for the week.
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
STAR TREK: TNG (new store page)
* This episode will be available for free download until Mark reaches the end of the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
sophiesensation 139p · 528 weeks ago
Current progress: Chapter 47 (Chapter 46, "A Ghost in Winterfell," is up at last week's thread)
bookyworm 82p · 528 weeks ago
And also the end of Dragon Keeper because apparently I never wrote about that?? Brain what are you doing.
I guess it’s okay because there really wasn’t a plotty reason for splitting the two books up. (Similarly, how are there two more books? That totally read like the end of series!)
Anyway, I have mixed feelings about these books. They’re enjoyable and pretty good but just…not quite there.
djinn87 126p · 528 weeks ago
Plaintext Spoilers below
hansfish 80p · 528 weeks ago
Anyone else have any standout moments? I quite enjoy hearing about when other people's Pandora stations (or internet radio, or whatever you use) act strangely.
*Snickers moment: a surprisingly useful phrase a friend of mine coined for when your station gives you a song for no reason you can figure out; this came about because I told her about another one, a month or two ago, and she said "EAT A SNICKERS, PANDORA. YOU'RE NOT YOU WHEN YOU'RE HUNGRY."
azdarkwater 120p · 528 weeks ago
I'm about halfway through it.
sorka42 96p · 528 weeks ago
So I'm a bit nervous about this, but here we go.
Link and information in the reply.
KickbackYak 122p · 528 weeks ago
unf Jvy Jurngba nyjnlf orra ibvpvat Rney Uneyna? o.0
Azrael (alan713ch) 109p · 528 weeks ago
It is a freaking telenovela.
I'm loving it.
stefabur 109p · 528 weeks ago
Michael_reads 96p · 528 weeks ago
I didn't know him personally, but from everything I've heard about him the man worked nonstop. He really cared about all of his projects. The post I linked to said if you want to honor him, do something creative. I know that I have way too many creative projects gathering dust because I lacked the motivation or willpower to get started on them. This really puts things in perspective, and it seems like a good way to show appreciation for the guy who made RWBY and kicked Red vs Blue up to a new level of production. RIP, Monty.
azdarkwater 120p · 528 weeks ago
Small random comments do work!
soraina 119p · 528 weeks ago
And possibly finishes it!
StungunMilly 108p · 527 weeks ago
I've caught up with Mark's video's for Leverage and Circle of Magic, so I could do something productive...or I could just play more Civ 5.
Yeah, let's do that. Maybe watch a couple episodes of ER.
MemoBookworm 114p · 527 weeks ago
More in reply
Aczr 104p · 527 weeks ago
Miss_Crepsley 94p · 527 weeks ago
She has also wrapped up all side-missions and is on her way to investigate Virmire and to race againt time. I think.
KickbackYak 122p · 527 weeks ago
Starting things off with Electric Guest's "Troubleman", which fused with a snow-covered car going at reasonably safe speeds to form a strange, somewhat magical commute to college this morning. Unfortunately it's almost nine minutes long, but I think I recommend it.
forensicfanatic 115p · 527 weeks ago
Coldrun 137p · 527 weeks ago
If Mark were only able to do reaction videos or articles for his projects, which would you prefer remain? The videos or articles?
soraina 119p · 527 weeks ago
In rot13 just in case. Talk of cultural apropriation and tattoos.
Fur tbg n ovt-nff Puvarfr jbeq gnggbbrq ba gur onpx bs ure arpx. Fur'q zragvbarq gung fur jnf guvaxvat nobhg qbvat gung ntrf ntb, ohg vg jnf whfg va cnffvat fb V qvqa'g ernyyl trg n punapr gb gryy ure jul fur fubhyqa'g, naq gura V cebzcgyl sbetbg nobhg vg. Abj V srry yvxr vg'f xvaq bs zl snhyg. Fur'f tbvat gb unir gung sberire, naq V'z tbvat gb unir gb cergraq gung V qba'g ungr vg, naq V'z tbvat gb pevatr rirel gvzr V frr vg. Vs fur rire gnyxf nobhg trggvat fbzrguvat yvxr guvf ntnva, V'z qrsvavgryl tbvat gb fnl fbzrguvat, ohg hagvy gura vg'f abg yvxr V pna gnxr gur gnggbb onpx.