Saturday, September 7, 2013

Geeky Weekly Funtimez

5 AM* - Mark Reads The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms - Chapter 11
8 AM - Mark Watches Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - 1x27 Interlude Party
1 PM - Mark Watches The West Wing - 3x15 Dead Irish Writers

5 AM -  Mark Reads Lady Knight - Predictions/"Time of Proving"
8 AM - Mark Watches Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - 1x28 Father
1 PM - Mark Watches Friday Night Lights - 4x11 Injury List

5 AM -
Mark Reads The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms - Chapter 12
8 AM - Mark Watches Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - 1x29 Struggle of the Fool
1 PM - Mark Watches The West Wing - 3x16 The U.S. Poet Laureate

5 AM -
Mark Reads Lady Knight - Chapter 1
8 AM - Mark Watches Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - 1x30 The Ishvalan War of Extermination
1 PM - Mark Watches Friday Night Lights - 4x12 Laboring

5 AM -
Mark Reads The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms - Chapter 13
8 AM - Mark Watches Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - 1x31 The 520 Cens Promise
1 PM - Mark Watches The West Wing - 3x17 Stirred

As always, remind us if you want to be added to the list of people who get the time stamp of their "verbs" posts edited so that you can find it through sorting comments by date. 

* All times listed are in the US Pacific timezone.

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Steven Reads Attack on Titan

I'm currently reading Chapter 15. So I'll have A TON of posts once the threads collapse.
I'm not sure who besides Meg has read the manga around here but I'm still pretty excited!

(Oh and as an extra note this thread will have tons of spoilers for the anime aside from episode 22 which I haven't watched yet.)
36 replies · active 600 weeks ago

I actually watched the season 4 premiere last night!
11 replies · active 599 weeks ago
Tim possibly finishes FMA: B

For those not in the know, FMA: B is a Pushing Daisies spin-off starring Tatiana Maslany as Nathan Fillion.
31 replies · active 599 weeks ago
Ryan reads The Demon's Surrender
27 replies · active 599 weeks ago
Ryan watches Fullmetal Alchemist 2003
19 replies · active 600 weeks ago
Aurora_Belle Watches ST:TOS

Placeholder until I can get to this week's episode :)

Current progress: Season 1, Episode 1
4 replies · active 600 weeks ago
Aurora_Belle Watches FMA:B

I'm hoping to have time to watch 2 episodes this week. Maybe if I create a placeholder post that will actually happen :)

Current Progress: Episode 31
Arachne reads The Last Unicorn

Plain text spoilers belooooooooowwwwwww
4 replies · active 600 weeks ago
Elie verbs Feast for Crows

In Westeros you still have the naked dream, but you're being eaten by a chair.

And bump this up the list I guess.
53 replies · active 599 weeks ago
Stef watches the West Wing and cries probably

Current Progress: 7x03
2 replies · active 600 weeks ago
Contributing to the thread collapse with some mushy gushy stuff under the cut.
11 replies · active 600 weeks ago
The Crush All the Other Threads Thread

7 replies · active 600 weeks ago
Ok, so can I say thank you to the person who I've forgotten now who recommended Zombies, Run!? I just tried it out for the first time and it definitely made running more bearable (though I would advise 1) not going for a run after having a hard row in the morning, 2) not going for a run less than an hour after eating half a large double cheese pizza and 3) not deciding to continue up a steep hill for a zombie chase instead of turning around and running down)! This is especially a good thing as I will be moving at the end of the month and may not be able to row or join a gym straight away, so I am going to have to rely on running to keep in shape. (Though I need to scrape together the money for some new trainers before then as my current ones are really not good for me. There's a running shop down the road from work which is meant to be really good at recommending shoes, but also not cheap at all...)
3 replies · active 600 weeks ago
Hey guys, I have a question. I'm debating reading along with Mark for The Android's Dream, but when I check the schedule it doesn't seem to be on there. Mark posted his thoughts on chapter 1 a few days ago, but the book only shows up on the schedule on September 23, which is apparently for chapter 6. Any idea what the schedule will be for this book?
2 replies · active 600 weeks ago
Meg's best friend comes to town and she makes excellent decisions regarding her hair


anyway, while she was here, I made drastic hair changes because I can. My family's out of the house right now and they're going to be so surprised when they get back ahaha.

Images under the cut, both to protect the innocent and because they're large images.
27 replies · active 600 weeks ago
Ember Quill Watches Once Upon A Time

I’m kind of experiencing Dragon Age burnout, so Ember Quill Plays Dragon Age Origins: Awakening is on hold for a while. I guess that’s what I get for playing through a pretty large portion of Origins (including the entirety of the Brecilian Forest, various side-quests, and everything from the Landsmeet to the end) in less than a week, then hopping right into Awakening only a day later. So I’m giving myself some time off from that game.

Anyway, on to Once Upon a Time!
31 replies · active 600 weeks ago
spectralbovine watches The West Wing

I'm almost two seasons ahead of Mark how did this happen.

Current Progress: Season 5, Episode 12.
5 replies · active 599 weeks ago

Untitled Magic Seismology Project is no longer untitled!

The Fifth Season is set in a world which has suffered frequent, repeated Extinction Level Events for millions of years, and all life (and magic) in this world has adapted to it. Hundreds of years might pass between these events — easy, plentiful years in which great cities rise, and people have the leisure for art and science and rapid advancement — but then, again and again, the cities fall. The world is littered with the detritus of these times of plenty, and this cover hints at them: past ages of decadence, now decaying; stone that endures beneath flaking gilt. Lauren Panepinto (Orbit’s Art Director) has nailed it again.

Jemisin has given some other details about the book on her blog, and IT IS BASICALLY ABOUT EARTHBENDERS. Given that Inheritance was great and Dreamblood was fucking fantastic, I expect this new series to be absolutely AMAZEBALLS.

N.K. Jemisin: Gah -- for all the people wanting to know when 5thSeaon will be out, I *just finished the first draft.* It's nowhere near release. Sorry! :-)

Me: Your use of the numeral makes me think you're going to start referring to it as 5th 5ea5on, and the sequel will be called 2 5th 2 5rious.

N.K. Jemisin: Sunil, BWAHAHAHA!!!

...Now I wanna do it.
2 replies · active 600 weeks ago
Threerings Reads The Vorkosigan Saga

Current Progress:Ok, I actually finished Diplomatic Immunity but didn't post about it yet.
7 replies · active 600 weeks ago
Threerings plays a crapton of Nancy Drew games

Current Progress: I ragequit Secret of the Old Clock in the middle, so now I'm about 3/4 through Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon
20 replies · active 600 weeks ago
I just noticed that tomorrow is my 4-year Markiversary. We should do something next summer year to celebrate five years of Mark-related joy on the internet.
21 replies · active 600 weeks ago
dumbles reads A Feast for Crows

Here we go.
9 replies · active 600 weeks ago
Taylor watches Supernatural

Same deal as last week, not sure if I'll actually get to any episodes. If I do, I'll be starting with 6x7
LightningRani Reads A Feast for Crows

We should totally make a book club for A Dance with Dragons.

Current Progress : p. 171 (though I haven't posted up to that yet... there shall be a post soon! I swear!)
16 replies · active 600 weeks ago
After seeing this I wonder if I should listen Welcome to Night Vale.

Any opinions?
64 replies · active 600 weeks ago

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