5 AM* - Mark Reads The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms - Chapter 16
8 AM - Mark Watches Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - 1x32 The Fuhrer's Son
11 AM - Mark Reads The Android's Dream - Chapter 2
1 PM - Mark Watches The West Wing - 3x20 We Killed Yamamoto
5 AM - Mark Reads Lady Knight - Chapter 5
8 AM - Mark Watches Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - 1x33 The Northern Wall of Briggs
11 AM - Mark Reads The Android's Dream - Chapter 3
1 PM - Mark Watches Friday Night Lights - 5x02 On the Outside Looking In
5 AM - Mark Reads The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms - Chapter 17
8 AM - Mark Watches Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - 1x34 Ice Queen
11 AM - Mark Reads The Android's Dream - Chapter 4
1 PM - Mark Watches The West Wing - 3x21 Posse Comitatus
5 AM - Mark Reads Lady Knight - Chapter 6
8 AM - Mark Watches Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - 1x35 The Shape of This Country
11 AM - Mark Reads The Android's Dream - Chapter 5
1 PM - Mark Watches Friday Night Lights - 5x03 The Right Hand of the Father
5 AM - Mark Reads The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms - Chapter 18
8 AM - Mark Watches Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - 1x36 Family Portrait
11 AM - Mark Reads The Android's Dream - Chapter 6
1 PM - Mark Watches The West Wing - Documentary Special
As always, remind us if you want to be added to the list of people who
get the time stamp of their "verbs" posts edited so that you can find it
through sorting comments by date.
* All times listed are in the US Pacific timezone.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
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Geeky Weekly Funtimez
Friday Night Lights|Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood|Inheritance Trilogy|Mark Reads|Mark Watches|Protector of the Small|The Android's Dream|The West Wing|weekly summary|
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Medli 141p · 598 weeks ago
I'm also laughing at the fact that the first episode he'll watch this week jvyy fznpx uvz jvgu gur eriryngvba gung Fryvz vf Cevqr. Jung n jnl gb fgneg guvatf bss. Guvf vf tbaan or tbbq. ^_^
Pica Scribit 132p · 598 weeks ago
This can only lead to shenanigans....
LightningRani 88p · 598 weeks ago
Or: how I waste my time during the few days before school starts
I'll mention how much knowledge I have after the threads collapse because it's kind of special?
Current Progress: Episode 5
Ryan Lohner 119p · 598 weeks ago
I had a mostly good experience with the Demon's Lexicon series. It kind of fell apart at the end, but there was plenty there to make me happy I read it. So now I'm going to try to get through this book in time to read Untold along with Mark.
jenskiss 123p · 598 weeks ago
I mean technically last week there were new TV shows but this week is when THE MOST things come back.
Sleepy Hollow and Brooklyn Nine-Nine were the only two new additions to my DVR last week. This week there are a few more potential entrants. I am most excited for Nashville returning on Wednesday, though. MOAR CONNIE!
alchemypotato 129p · 598 weeks ago
Okay well that's not true but I'm not posting here or on MW this week. So if I watch or read anything I'll just save my thoughts until next week.
See you all next week!
Red_Sasquatch 76p · 598 weeks ago
Cassandra 78p · 598 weeks ago
So I am moving on Saturday and my packing is not really progressing very quickly. I have mostly packed my clothes, but obviously that is the easy bit. I have a rather small car (Toyota Aygo) so have to pack as effectively as possible. I *may* also have my boyfriend helping me (he has a Yaris), but I am not going to have masses of space either way. Anyone have any genius tips on effective packing/moving? Also accepted are tips on how to motivate myself to actually do anything!
Aurora_Belle 116p · 598 weeks ago
Fb, gur ranzry ba zl ongugho crryrq hc naq cerfhznoyl gur xvggraf ngr zbfg bs gur zvffvat puhax. V qvqa'g abgvpr hagvy guvf zbeavat fb vg unccrarq fbzrgvzr lrfgreqnl. V'ir pnyyrq gur irg'f bssvpr naq cbvfba pbageby; obgu cynprf erpbzzraqrq bofreingvba naq ab npgvir vagreiragvba hayrff gurl fgneg rkcrevrapvat flzcgbzf. Cbvfba pbageby fnvq vg jbhyq cebonoyl cnff va gurve fgbby jvgu ab vyy rssrpgf. V'ir erdhrfgrq na nccbvagzrag jvgu znvagranapr, gnxra cubgbtencuf naq cerggl zhpu qbar rirelguvat gung V pna qb ng guvf cbvag. Gur xvggraf ner pheeragyl anccvat ba gbc bs gur pbhpu naq V'z gelvat abg gb jbeel nobhg gung, fvapr vg'f abg noabezny sbe gurz gb fyrrc nsgre ehaavat nebhaq fb zhpu. V'z whfg sehfgengrq, fvapr V xabj gurl'er tbvat gb gel gb oynzr zr (naq punetr zr) sbe gur qnzntr, rira gubhtu vgf ybpngvba fhttrfgf gur qnzntr jnf npghnyyl pnhfrq ol gur jngre pbzvat bhg bs gur snhprg. V'z nyfb jbeevrq nobhg zl onol tveyf naq gurve fghcvq syhssl urnqf trggvat vagb fb zhpu zvfpuvrs.
elphaba_cee 113p · 598 weeks ago
Ep. 37
Ep. 38
Ep. 39
Ep. 40
Ep. 41
MoElskerDeg 125p · 598 weeks ago
Safe for those who've kept up with Mark, of course.
spectralbovine 140p · 598 weeks ago
Will I finish season five this week? No, probably not, and my pace will likely slow now that the fall TV season is upon us!
Current Episode: Season 5, Episode 19.
iamwinterborn 97p · 598 weeks ago
I clicked on it, because sometimes their history stuff is funny.
Instead I get an article on "4 Ways to Have More Sex Right Now"
I am putting the rest of this in the comments as there's going to be some foul language and NSFW terms and speaking as someone who likes to visit Markspoils at work, I like it when I can view things without having to scroll passed posts I'm not expanding very quickly.
lilykep 113p · 598 weeks ago
dumblesinwinter 78p · 598 weeks ago
Current progress: pg 489
Eliestav 97p · 598 weeks ago
I went down, down, down...
iwouldwalk500giles 118p · 598 weeks ago
I may require a stunt double.
Dragon Elexus 124p · 598 weeks ago
So I've decided to try LoL, see what I think of it. I've never played a MOBA before, so this style was completely alien. I'm still not sure what to think of it; I sort of feel like I'm drowning in a sea of information. There are over a hundred playable characters, and they all have unique abilities, and there are like a bajillion items and masteries and I don't even know what runes are and AHHHHH!
But I mean, I've played about six games versus bots (with real players for my team) and have only lost one. Some games I was really enjoying myself, other games I died so many times I wanted to rage quit (something which is very difficult to do, since you get penalized if you leave too many times). On the bright side, I seem to be getting the hang of things, and I got honoured* for team-work and friendliness, and that feels nice.
So, if anyone else plays the game or has some tips (like recommended characters to start with), I'm all ears!
* The honouring system seems to be the game's way of encouraging and congratulating good behaviour. I've heard some really bad stuff about LoL's community, but I haven't seen anything like it. Maybe I'm lucky, maybe the honour system has been working or maybe everyone is exaggerating it, but its been a pleasant experience on the player front!
soraina 119p · 598 weeks ago
Current Progress: Episode One
(also the ones past episode one won't go up until later because I have to write some FMAB reviews and such)
soraina 119p · 598 weeks ago
threerings 114p · 598 weeks ago
Current Progress: Halfway (?) through The Captive Curse because I lost the files for Shadow at the Water's Edge
sophiesensation 139p · 598 weeks ago
My mom has lent me her old one, which feels heavy and weird (what do you mean I have to get used to scrolling the other way AGAIN) but it's a computer and I CAN LOG IN TO INTENSEDEBATE AND POST THINGS AND READ THINGS!!
megotelek 112p · 598 weeks ago
You guys I make HORRIBLE DECISIONS. Like, I had to take the train to Berkeley for the birthday party for my dad and sister (their birthdays are two days apart, and my brother lives in Berkeley and doesn't have a car so that's why we went there). So I listened to about 7 episodes on the train, and then driving home AT MIDNIGHT I decided it would be a good idea to listen to more...
Current Progress: Episode 26, "Faceless Old Woman"
Kari18212 116p · 598 weeks ago
Only not tonight because I forgot my headphones at my apartment. But soon and probably a lot this week, since I'll be trying to avoid thinking about how nervous I am about starting my big girl job
Current Progress: S3E8
Aurora_Belle 116p · 598 weeks ago