Sunday, March 3, 2013

Geeky Weekly Funtimez

Episode Reviews
Monday: Cowboy Bebop - Boogie-Woogie Feng Shui and Bones - The Woman in Limbo
Tuesday: Princess Tutu - The Spinners and Bones - Aliens in a Spaceship
Wednesday: Cowboy Bebop - Cowboy Funk and Bones - Judas on a Pole
Thursday: Princess Tutu - Crown of Stone and Nikita - Pilot
Friday: Cowboy Bebop - Brain Scratch and My Mad Fat Diary - Pilot

Chapter Reviews
Monday: Emperor Mage - Chapter 3
Tuesday: Blackout - Chapter 6
Wednesday: Emperor Mage - Chapter 4
Thursday - Blackout - Chapter 7
Friday: Emperor Mage - Chapter 5

As a reminder in case anyone missed it, we've started a new thing where anyone can request that we edit the time-stamp of their weekly "verbs" threads so that sorting the comments by date will make them easy to find. I am keeping a list of who has already requested their threads be changed. So if you want to be added you to the list, let us know!