Sunday, December 16, 2012

Geeky Weekly Funtimez

Episode Reviews
Monday: Dollhouse - Belonging and Fringe - The Human Kind
Tuesday: Angel - Time Bomb and Doctor Who - Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Wednesday: Dollhouse - The Public Eye and Doctor Who - A Town Called Mercy
Thursday: Angel - The Girl in Question and Doctor Who - The Power of Three
Friday: Dollhouse - The Left Hand and Doctor Who - The Angels Take Manhattan

Chapter Reviews
Monday: Deadline - Chapter 6
Tuesday: Lioness Rampant - Chapter 8
Wednesday: Deadline - Chapter 7
Thursday: Lioness Rampant - Chapter 9
Friday: Deadline - Chapter 8

And on Plays, Mark continues Dragon Age: Awakening.

Friday: Fringe - Anomaly XB-6783746