Monday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Bad Eggs
Tuesday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Surprise
Wednesday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Innocence
Thursday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Phases
Friday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
Saturday: Fringe Enemy of My Enemy
As well as a Sherlock review on Monday or Tuesday and last Friday's Fringe review.
Sunday: Sherlock - The Reichenbach Fall
Friday: Fringe - Enemy of My Enemy
Meanwhile over on Reads, Mark continues The Fellowship of The Ring.
amyalices 78p · 688 weeks ago
...Let's hope it lives up to them. :S
tigerpetals 85p · 688 weeks ago
Reposted so everyone can see it.
Medli 141p · 688 weeks ago
On upside, loving Silmarillion so far. Trying to intentionally go at a slow pace through it so as to better absorb information.
notemily 139p · 688 weeks ago
Monday - Mirror of Galadriel
Tuesday - Farewell to Lórien
Wednesday - The Great River
Thursday - The Breaking of the Fellowship
Friday - The Two Towers - The Departure of Boromir (probably?)
And then maybe the FOTR movie on the weekend? I'm still not sure whether Mark has been listening to the pleadings of Team One Novel or not. Has anyone heard anything from him on this?
hpfish13 115p · 688 weeks ago
I have some ideas for about 10 questions, but would welcome suggestions!
affableevil 107p · 688 weeks ago
A place to vent. Begin the Airing of Grievances!
(If this one gets as large as last week's thread I'll make an overflow post.)
drippingmercury 87p · 688 weeks ago
beckaboomer 76p · 688 weeks ago
...oh God, Friday is going to either be my favorite day or the WORST DAY EVER. I'll try to keep hope alive.
notemily 139p · 688 weeks ago
misterbernie 111p · 688 weeks ago
I think I've founded the perfect 'whoopdeefuckendoo' gif-able scene to open my comment on BB&B with.
Shay Guy 91p · 688 weeks ago
stefb4 131p · 688 weeks ago
jenskiss 123p · 688 weeks ago
(I may or may not have been slightly irritated by some comments that insinuated that there were textual hints about it, when in actuality there are like...a million veiled hints and some serious overt ones.)
stefb4 131p · 688 weeks ago
Medli 141p · 688 weeks ago
hpfish13 115p · 688 weeks ago
That is going to be a hard day......I both can and cannot wait.
Alexander_G 75p · 688 weeks ago
You write 'parselmouth' instead of 'parsimonous' on your cladism exam
The prof was like:
MarkReads, what are you doing to my brain :P
Tauriel_ 109p · 688 weeks ago
Still needs quite a bit of reconstruction and refurbishing and decorating, though - it's an old flat. Can't wait, will be fun. :p
tigerpetals 85p · 688 weeks ago
clawsight 86p · 688 weeks ago
I wanted to come over here and thank all the mods -- especially arctic_hare for putting up with the Buffy comments and the Xander wars. I want y'all to all know its appreciated. I also want to let arctic_hare know that I really appreciate her super well thought out comment/reviews. Mark Watches is one of my favorite sites on the Internet because it feels like a safe space where feminist (and even perhaps... radical feminist ;) ) viewpoints are taken seriously, aren't derailed, and are treated legitimately. I know for myself it's getting increasingly tiresome to see a well deserved critique of an episode or character re: gender problems and then watching someone try and fansplain the critique away and then, when that doesn't work, whipping out some good old fashioned silencing techniques. The fansplaining is getting so predictable and repetitive I'm almost ready to make bingo cards. And I know it has to be roughly 100x more aggravating for the folks writing the comments and moderating them, so, major, major kudos to all of you.
notemily 139p · 688 weeks ago
First of all someone mentioned that Mark is an "unspoiled Tolkien virgin" in the comments, and that immediately made me think of Saruman saying "bring them to me alive… and un-spoiled." SO NOW I THINK WE NEED A GIF. Something to do with Mark, but I'm not sure exactly what the wording should be. And sadly we won't be able to use it for a while. BUT IT NEEDS TO EXIST.
Second of all HOW HAD I NEVER SEEN THIS DOCTOR WHO VIDEO BEFORE. (Spoilers for everything before Season 5)
Sinnive 69p · 688 weeks ago
spectralbovine 140p · 688 weeks ago
Maybe I hadn't actually tried it before, or maybe I had to log in over here first, but if you use Dolphin, go to Settings -> Dolphin Settings and change to Desktop view, which will allow you to view any website as if you were using a desktop. You can then comment properly on Mark Reads/Watches with IntenseDebate. I don't know if other browsers have this feature; I know it was one of the selling points of Dolphin.
hpfish13 115p · 688 weeks ago
hpfish13 115p · 688 weeks ago
Day 1: Favorite member of the Fellowship
I have a different answer for the books and the movies. In the books I liked Legolas best (I can't really remember why, I just remember thinking he was awesome!), but in the movies my favorite is Sam. Sean Astin's performance is just absolutely brilliant and Sam's steadfastness is just so wonderful.