Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mark Watches 'Avatar: The Last Airbender:' S02E04 - The Swamp

Over at Watches the review for ‘The Swamp’ should be up soon.

Spoilers (and Genre: A study) below.

+1 for panhandling like a pro for that gold piece

+1 for memorizing that guy’s face and taking him down for being mean to Iroh

+1 for telling everyone to keep it down
+1 for protecting Momo
+1 for not wanting to be eaten

+1 for being dubious about the nature of the swamp
+1 for fighting off the tendrils
+1 for the vision of her mother
+1 for the fight with the vine monster

+1 for things keeping on attaching to him
-1 for continuing to piss off the swamp
+1 for fighting off the tendrils
+1 for the vision of Yue
+1 for getting the short end of the swamp monster fight
-1 for being in serious denial about the swamp

+1 for freeing Appa
+1 for chucking the luggage at the Swamp People to keep them away

+1 for understanding that the swamp is calling him
+1 for wanting Sokka to be nicer to the swamp
+1 for fighting off the tendrils
+1 for the vision of the little laughing girl and the flying pig
+1 for the fight with the vine monster

Swamp People
+1 for tracking down Appa to eat him
+1 for bending their own outboard motors
+1 for the song
+1 for Ol’ Slim being part of the family

+1 for being able to bend the water in plants. That’s seriously cool.
+1 for the explanation of Nature. I’m brainwashing every child I know with this message. It’s a good message and a nice way to picture how humans are deeply connected and part of the world’s environment even though we often think of ourselves as separate from it.