Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mark Watches 'Avatar: The Last Airbender’: S01E03 – The Southern Air Temple

Over at Watches the review for 'The Southern Air Temple' should be up soon.

Spoilers (and it's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake) below.

Another completely off topic video.... I just babysat last night for a professor and the only thing I could find that the kiddies and I could watch together that I knew wouldn't drive me insane was the many MANY DVDs of Lazy Town they had there. And now this song is stuck in my head and WON'T GET OUT!!!


+1 for the Sokka wakeup
+1 for the awesome door. None of the other monks are around so he gets their point!
+1 for the great Momo chase!

+1 for trying to protect Aang
-1 for not warning him. It could have been handled better.
+1 for calming Aang down

+1 for trying to play airball with Aang to make him feel better
+1 for his meat obsession
+1 for the great Momo chase!

-1 for lying like crap
+1 for calling his father a fool
+1 for the fire fight
+2 for not killing Zhao

+1 for knocking stuff over
+1 for asking for more tea while being pretty much held prisoner
+1 for saving Zuko from the sneak attack
EDIT +1 for the ego boost to Zuko!

-1 for being sort of a douche
 +1 for the fire fight
-2 for attacking Zuko after loosing

+1 for using airbending to make cakes! The Baking Monk!
+1 for using said cakes to pwn the other monks!
+2 for taking out that many Fire Nation soldiers on his way out!

+1 for those adorable ears! (a one-time point)
+1 for the great Momo chase!
+1 for bringing Sokka food

Our new scores SO FAR!

Character 1 2 3 TOTAL
Katara 5 4 2 16
Aang 2 4 3 14
Sokka 0 6 3 12
Iroh 1 1 4 8
Zuko 0 2 3 7
Momo 3 3
Appa 1 1 0 3
Gran-Gran 0 1 1
Zhou -2 -2

Running Count 1 2 3 Total
Aang does something that brings him only trouble 1 1 1 3
Aang feels guilty 1 0 1 2
Aang has an obvious crush moment 1 0 0 1
Aang goes into Avatar state 1 0 2 3
Aang shows off 1 0 0 1
Iroh mentions tea 1 0 4 5
Iroh plays Pai Sho 1 0 0 1
Iroh tries to talk sense to Zuko 0 0 1 1
Katara acts motherly 1 0 1 2
Katara gives a speech full of hope 0 2 1 3
Sokka gets the short end of the stick 2 1 0 3
Weird hybrid animal seen 2 0 1 3
Zuko chews the scenery 0 1 0 1
Zuko looses his temper 2 0 2 4
Zuko mentions his father 0 1 2 3
Zuko mentions honor 1 0 1 2