Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Great 30-Day Who MEME!!!! - Day Twenty-eight

What is your favorite series arc?

I've got to say that series 5 (with the mystery of the crack) was, by far, the best series arc we've had so far.The overreaching plot point was introduced in the first episode, tension built as more information about the crack was learned, and the conclusion was satisfying, made sense, and still left room to continue the story on.

So what about you? What is your favorite series arc?

Tomorrow: Your favorite music/song from Doctor Who.

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Oh man, I loved that bit in Castle. XD

As for meme answers, shockingly, I'm going with series five. Yes, I know, I bet you all NEVER saw that coming! :p It was a marvelous arc that was built up well from the getgo, had a wonderful conclusion, and as a lovely bonus left room to continue on into the next series, what with the issue of the Silence not being resolved. A mystery still unsolved? Oooh, that's like candy to me! As is the sci-fi fairy tale feel of it all, I am kind of obsessed with fairy tales. Add in an episode that dealt with dreams, MOAR WEEPING ANGELS, a Doctor that suits me perfectly, great companions, MOAR RIVER, and all the other yummy stuff, and it's like Moffat and co. mined my head for ideas and did what they knew I'd love. Kind of scary.
3 replies · active 732 weeks ago
I actually think Saxon was one of my favorites. It was one of the better integrated seasonal arcs, and the reveal was spectacular. Don't love how it ended, but overall I thought it was very strong. And it gives me an excuse to post this picture again.

And have some gifs, as well.

Who doesn't love the utterly maniacal Simm!Master!Saxon?
3 replies · active 732 weeks ago
Series 5. No contest. Best series arc both in terms of plot and consistency. The hints are spread evenly throughout the series and its resolution is just perfect.
Plus it gets you curious from the first episode: "The Universe is cracking. The Pandorica will open. Silence will fall." Can it get more chilling and more exciting than that?
Going to have to agree with E.L.S.O.S. and arctic_hare for this one. I loved the series 5 arc. I loved how it put a lot of the series in a new light (why yes I am still going on about the Jacket!Doctor scene from F&S). The cracks themselves weren't the most sublte recurring element the show has had so far but the fact that the characters actively acknowledged them from the beginning, and that for the most part they actually changed and evolved throughout the episodes makes me forgive the lack of subtlety.
What the fuck did I just read over in the comments to EoT Part II? Did I really just read someone saying that Ten's "haters" are "jealous hipsters who can't stand to be mainstream"? ?!?!?!?!?! Urgh. Please, stop bringing this crap into Mark's blog, people who do this (obviously, no one here, my spoiler blog peeps are all awesome and I love you to bits <3 ).
19 replies · active 732 weeks ago
I'm going to have to go with Series fine as well, though Bad Wolf was a close second. They were both very good in their own ways. Both were used very well throughout their own series, both had great pay offs, and both were very interesting for me to watch unfold.

The cracks had a sense of danger from the very beginning, which was a good way to build up the tension. Even when they were just showing up at the end of episodes, we knew that it was a very bad thing. It only got worse as the Series went on too. I liked Bad Wolf in that it was more subtle. You had to be quick to catch all of the times they fit it in, which I certainly didn't do the first time I watched the whole Series in order. Only at the end did they really seem to shove it in your face. That of course could have just been me, I tend to get caught up in the story. You'd think a past Lost fanatic would be better at spotting these things. I think the Tardis Team of Series 5 tips it over to the cracks. I just love them all to bits!
I'm actually kind of surprising myself when I say that I really like the Key to Time arc. I'm not the biggest fan of Four. I really do genuinely like him, it's just that I like all of the other Doctors that I've seen a bit more. Still, I love this whole arc, hardcore.

I find the White and Black guardians really interesting, and I adore the dynamic between Four and Romana I. I love her character growth throughout as she starts out bossy and snooty and slowly starts to really enjoy herself just like he does. Plus I just love the huge amounts of K-9.

Much as I do prefer the new series, I felt like the Key to Time season felt a bit more like a cohesive story. A "Gotta Catch 'Em All" story, true, but even though the episodes were still perfectly fine as standalones, they felt a lot more like parts of a whole than do most of the episodes in New Who.
Big Surprise, Series 5 is my favorite arc. When Prisoner Zero said "the Pandorica will open, and Silence will fall," I was like "Ohhh damnit, not this cryptic prophetic shit again!" But then when that ended up being a mission statement for the arc(s?), instead of something that would be repeatedly name-dropped RTD style, I got excited. As time went on we learned new things. We got answers that lead to more questions. It wasn't the best execution of an arc in television for sure, but I think Doctor Who is still learning how to incorporate more modern storytelling into the show, and I think they're getting better at it.
No, my comment! I had it all written out and then it died! That'll teach me not to write it out in a word document first.

Anyway, my favorite is probably Series 4. I had a major issue with Donna losing her memory at the end, though it was foreshadowed with Unicorn and the Wasp. That is something I liked about RTD's writing actually, which I feel like I should mention since he is gone now. But for all that some of his plots are often seemingly just a repeated phrase, there are actually some nice subtle foreshadowing bits. His finales usually (though less so in the specials which, I didn't really like the specials so maybe I just missed stuff) call on stuff from previous episodes that season. I just felt like Series 4 was the best, since there wasn’t just one bit of repeated whatever, it was a whole mess of stuff. The bees, the missing planets, DoctorDonna, River’s reaction to Donna, and, of course, reappearing Rose. I have to admit, whenever Rose showed up in the background I flipped out with excitement and WTF :)

Runner up is Series 5. It would be a tie and could potentially one day edge Series 4 out, it’s just that without Series 6 I feel like I can’t judge the plot as a whole :) You never know, it could end with a stinker. But anyway, I looooved how in depth some of it was! And I loved trying to make theories, especially when my theories turned out wrong, or even when they were right! I thought that Amy’s other neighbor, the one Eleven thought was handsome, would show back up, especially since his computer said MYTH on it. I thought River would kill Rory, which technically still could happen. I even had a crazy theory that Amy and everyone around her weren’t actually real but a product of the Doctor under the influence of stuff from Amy’s Choice (I could write a whole long piece about that, actually, but it is so unlikely now that I won’t. Oh well :| ).

Overall, I like all the Doctor Who plots except the specials, which is sort of unfair because there just aren’t as many of them.
2 replies · active 732 weeks ago
I adore series five! It was so much more than random dropped words! We could have actual in depth discussions about it! And the whole jacket continuity error/key to the entire series debate too! And the fact that Moffat was all "Oh, oops! We are so rubbish!" that I actually believed him!
Series five.
Though I'm getting through Trial of a Timelord at the moment and that may be a close second soon enough!
2 replies · active 732 weeks ago
It's a tie between the Series 5 arc and Bad Wolf. I love how just the words kept popping up, no indication of how they related to anything...and then it turns out that the words themselves are unimportant, it's how they got there. It was just kind of cool. And I love the cracks in time, for reasons I won't bother to explain because everyone upthread did it for me :) . Plus, that arc apparently isn't really over. We still don't know what the Silence is. Hurry up and get here, Series 6!
Oh fellow Castle fans. I knew I was in a good place here. Loved that part, though I had to explain to my Mom why I started laughing as I do with half the references on the show.
I'm going to go with the majority and say Series 5 with Season 4 coming in a close second. Series 5 just felt like the most complete and controlled story arc to me. Even the lower rated eps like Beast Below were much better then bad eps in previous seasons (Fear Her, Love and Monsters etc.).
5 replies · active 732 weeks ago
My absolute favorite reveal was Saxon, though because I didn't even begin to catch on to the fact it was a story arc (other than You Are Not Alone) I can't really say it is my favorite arc. It was too subtle. And I would have liked the Bad Wolf arc if it didn't seem so apparent that it was haphazardly cobbled together and an ominous name wasn't even given a reason until way down the line.

So I appreciate, really, the story arc of the cracks in season 5. It is consistent, it drives the plot, it isn't reallyreally subtle (I do think I saw it most times it was on the screen). Despite season 5 not being my most favoritist ever, I have to say that plot arc-wise, it does the best job.

Can't wait for tomorrooooooow!
NOOOOOO I've only just realised I missed this one :( But I'll carry on regardless.

I think they've all been pretty good since 2005, although least favourite would either be Torchwood or Vote Saxon, but I really think Moffat's transformed the idea of a series arc into something so perfect and prominent. I'm going to go with the Cracks/Pandorica for now, but the Silence has serious potential.

Ok, now for my ranty/theory/speculation bit:
We've been teased that The Silence isn't singular, it's plural, and that it's been there from 'the very beginning'. Silence In The Library?
I'm now pretty much certain The Silence are linked to River in some way, and have come to the conclusion they must be an evolution of the Vashta Nerada.
Now this does seem like I'm jumping to conclusions but then, after re-watching, I remembered that The Doctor left River's diary in the library where no one would be able to read it. No one but the Vashta Nerada (presuming they could read it, somehow).
Basically, this evolved species of them has conquered time travel, read the diary, and now know every time/place River and The Doctor have met/will meet.

Writing it out makes it seem even more farfetched, but I like the idea of The Silence, whatever they are, getting hold of her diary to track The Doctor down.

I NEED series 6 NOW!

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