5 AM* - Mark Reads The Obelisk Gate - Chapter 7
1 PM - Mark Watches Jane the Virgin - 3x03 Chapter Forty-Seven
5 AM - Mark Reads The Obelisk Gate - Chapter 8
1 PM - Mark Watches Jane the Virgin - 3x04 Chapter Forty-Eight
5 AM - Mark Reads The Obelisk Gate - Chapter 9
1 PM - Mark Watches Jane the Virgin - 3x05 Chapter Forty-Nine
As always, please remember that all video exchanges are to be done in the Black Market, which you'll find linked in the sidebar.
* All times listed are in the US Pacific timezone.
automailheart 46p · 238 weeks ago
Noybusiness 127p · 238 weeks ago
Three sweet English Bulldog puppies, Ellis, Yuri, and Evie had a tragic beginning. One day, a breeder came to a veterinarian’s office, demanding the three week-old puppies be euthanized. Nadine with Rhode Home Rescue shared, "He tried to breed these puppies, and something went wrong. They were unable to be sold for profit, so he dumped them."
Without hesitation Nadine and the team at Rhode Home Rescue took the trio into their care. They are dedicated to doing everything in their power to help these pups get the full veterinary evaluation and care they need to treat their vision problems and genetic deformities. Currently, two of the three puppies are suffering from a lack of vision. One is in extreme pain and needs eye surgery as soon as possible.
You can help Ellis, Yuri, and Evie get the surgery they need to recover and find forever families!
djinn87 126p · 238 weeks ago
Sailor Moon...22? 23?
Plactus 102p · 238 weeks ago
This week, Link:
- Phefrf gur enva znal gvzrf
- Tbrf objyvat sbe Xbebxf
- Frgf n gbjre ba sver, gura pyvzof vg; va gung beqre, sbe fbzr ernfba
- Ohlf n ubhfr
- Cenpgvprf sbe gur Bylzcvp gbepu erynl
- (cebonoyl sbe gur arkg pbhcyr, V unira'g npghnyyl jevggra gur guveq cbfg lrg)
- Trgf n oyhr fuveg
- Trgf fgbzcrq ol n Ylary
Last week.
Unmarked spoilers into BotW.
TW: Various creepy-crawlies, including spiders, insects, snakes, bats; fire; heights; death.
Coldrun 137p · 238 weeks ago
All prior posts available at
Current progress: FFVII Remake, towards sector 5. FFXIV, ending the Shadowbringers role quests and the new 24 player raid.
Mark Does Stuff 132p · 238 weeks ago
Three new videos are up in the store for JANE THE VIRGIN! Feel free to download away!
PythosCheetah 108p · 238 weeks ago
This week: Chapters 13-15
djinn87 126p · 238 weeks ago
WanderingUndine 119p · 238 weeks ago
automailheart 46p · 237 weeks ago