Monday, December 29, 2014

Weekly Shenanigans

5 AM* - Mark Reads Pyramids - Part 13
8 AM - Mark Watches The Sarah Connor Chronicles - 2x08 Mr. Ferguson is Ill Today
1 PM - Mark Watches Star Trek: TOS - 3x12 The Empath

5 AM - Mark Reads 
Daja's Book - Chapter 2
8 AM - Mark Watches The Sarah Connor Chronicles - 2x09 Complications
1 PM - Mark Watches Supernatural - 7x22 There Will Be Blood

5 AM - Mark Reads Pyramids - Part 14
8 AM - Mark Watches The Sarah Connor Chronicles - 2x10 Strange Thing Happen at The One Two Point
1 PM - Mark Watches Star Trek: TOS - 3x13 Elaan of Troyius

5 AM - Mark Reads 
Daja's Book - Chapter 3
8 AM - Mark Watches The Sarah Connor Chronicles - 2x11 Self Made Man
1 PM - Mark Watches Supernatural - 7x23 Survival of the Fittest

5 AM - Mark Reads 
Pyramids - Part 15
8 AM - Mark Watches The Sarah Connor Chronicles - 2x12 Alpine Fields
1 PM - Mark Watches Star Trek: TOS - 3x14 Whom Gods Destroy

As always, please remember that all video exchanges are to be done in the Black Market, which you'll find linked in the sidebar.

* All times listed are in the US Pacific timezone.

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21 replies · active 533 weeks ago
Coldrun Plays the Final Fantasy Series

All posts for my playthroughs of FFI through the present available at

Current progress: Final Fantasy VI.
78 replies · active 532 weeks ago
More Anime Threads. Never Enough Anime Threads

This week Fate Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works and Rage of Bahamut: Genesis reach their last Episode: Finale. FSN is due back in spring but I'll still have posts up for both along with mayyyyyyyybe the start of Winter season depending on how the schedule for simulcasts turn out. I'll also have my Top 10 for the year at some point. Either way, the Anime Train ain't stopping anytime soon.

16 replies · active 532 weeks ago
Pythos Re-Reads the Dresden Files

Current progress: Storm Front - Chapter 18
9 replies · active 532 weeks ago
Alerting/Waiting/Flailing Post for Mark Watches Videos (for January 5 - 9 episodes)

This is where Mark lets us know when the new videos are up (they're usually uploaded all at once). Please do not try to buy a new episode until he posts here to say there's something new ready to download.

Link exchanges and donations take place on the Black Market post. Below are links to the store page for each show (just click on the show title), plus a list of the episodes that will be uploaded for the week.

SUPERNATURAL (new season, new store page - check replies for link)
[predictions post]


21 replies · active 532 weeks ago
SPN S8: Ernql sbe Oraal naq uvf Ybhvfvnan chee, pnc naq cvrepvat rlrf. Nyfb, zhpu ybir sbe gur jnfurq bhg Chetngbel fprarf jvgu sreny Qrna. V'z jbaqre ubj Znex jvyy gnxr gur fjrrg Qrna/Pnf erhavba va rcvfbqr 8.02.

Nzryvn ::fvtu::
6 replies · active 533 weeks ago
Forensicfanatic Plays Dragon Age 2

11 replies · active 532 weeks ago
Balthier7285 plays Valkyria Chronicles is on a break this week, here is the links to the videos
Will resume Thursday 1-8-14 at 8 pm EST and every following Thursday at 8 EST. Unless otherwise posted.

Next game is INfamous Secon Son, unspoiled as I have NEVER played it before.

Valkyria Chronicles Main story till chapter 9 (Broken up by chapter)

Skirmish Missions Playlist
I'm so relieved right now I could cry.

(medical talk in the replies - ciphered for google safety)
9 replies · active 532 weeks ago
KickbackYak Plays Tomb Raider 2013

Because I played a bunch yesterday but didn't talk about it yet (family came over, it was noisy and eccentric and wonderful), you all get a super special bumper update! So sit back and relax, as I present you the continuing adventures of Lara "Largely Corporealish" Croft! :D
14 replies · active 532 weeks ago
So I was reading through io9's list of the most futuristic predictions that actually came true this past year. There's a lot of really neat stuff in there.

One thing caught my eye that I didn't even know was going on though. Gender neutral pronouns.
Into the Woods thread? Into the Woods thread.

7 replies · active 532 weeks ago
This week's funny things from tumblr

More in reply
25 replies · active 532 weeks ago
djinn Read a Truckload of Monsters of Men Whilst on Holiday and Now Needs to Yell at People

Current Progress: Page 282
3 replies · active 532 weeks ago
Spoils Reads Star Trek
Uhura's Song, by Janet Kagan

This week: Ch. 16 & 17

1/4 ----- Start Spock's World, by Diane Duane (splits coming soon)

Sorry, real life has gotten in the way for a couple weeks. I caught up on reading through chapter 15, but I only made a few notes.
3 replies · active 532 weeks ago
CJ Continues to Get Scared Shitless, AKA Play Alien: Isolation

Plaintext spoilers in the replies.
4 replies · active 532 weeks ago
hpfish13 watches The Vampire Diaries (and cannot handle it)

Current Progress: Season 2, Episode 17
10 replies · active 532 weeks ago
On a break from work, so finally have had some time (and enough wakefulness) to read! Yay!

Within the past few days, I've finally managed to read the following:

Shatterglass - Tamora Pierce (I'd been at about page 150 for a few weeks!)
Rivers of London - Ben Aaronovitch
The Shock of the Fall - Nathan Filer
Re-read of parts of The Demon's Covenant - Sarah Rees-Brennan
The Will of the Empress - Tamora Pierce

Since I seem to be series jumping at the moment, I'd guess that the next I read will either be:

Re-read of parts of Warchild (Karin Lowachee), because it's been a while and I love that book
Moon Over Soho - Ben Aaronovitch
Hello, Mark Spoils! This week's blog post is covers a series we love so well - Harry Potter :) This first part covers themes of family, how Rowling's characters show the complexities of being in family and what we can learn from that. Enjoy!
Music Thread

This week's theme, songs with ridiculous lyrics.

No limit.
20 replies · active 532 weeks ago
So this is an interesting take on what might happen when you die...
I got this in the mail yesterday!!!

Tucking it away in a reply just in case of spoils for Star Trek TNG.. as it is an image.
12 replies · active 532 weeks ago
CJ Also Got a Bunch of Cool Games For Christmas

Remember me talking about wanting to start a Let's Play series? Well, I'm going to do a playthrough of Portal 2 first, just to get my bearings since I've played it before. Now, with these new games I got, I know what I will be playing next. For Christmas my brother sent me:

Bastion, a fantasy role-playing game that's gotten tons of good reviews.
Dust: An Elysian Tale, which I've never heard of but looks fun.
And, lastly, the one I'll probably play after Portal 2...The Telltale Games The Walking Dead, the complete first season. :D

I'm so ready to get my heart ripped out.
13 replies · active 532 weeks ago
Christine Cavanaugh Died

For those that don't recognize the name, she voiced many favorite cartoon characters such as Chuckie from Rugrats, Dexter from Dexter's Labratory, and Gosalyn Mallard on Darkwing Duck. :(
(rot13 because google yadda yadda)

Y vf xvaq bs hapbzsbegnoyr ohg nyfb xvaq bs ubcrshy?

GJ: oevrs zragvba bs Yrryn Nypbea fhvpvqr
4 replies · active 532 weeks ago

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