1 PM - Mark Watches Discovery - 2x01 Brother
1 PM - Mark Watches Discovery - 2x02 New Eden
1 PM - Mark Watches Discovery - 2x03 Point of Light
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* All times listed are in the US Pacific timezone.
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Weekly Shenanigans
Mark Watches,
Star Trek,
weekly summary
Comments (65)

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Comments by IntenseDebate
Weekly Shenanigans
Mark Watches|Star Trek|weekly summary|
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Medli 141p · 200 weeks ago
OcamposMoon 114p · 200 weeks ago
Current playing progress: Rawblvat n Ovt Zvpx Ohetre Jvgu Sevrf
Current writing progress: Ureb'f Svany Qnl
Posts will be released anytime this week after the threads have been collapsed.
Link for previous week's post can be found below:
Posts for other previous playthroughs can also be found on my website,
TWs will be marked by part.
djinn87 126p · 200 weeks ago
All the cool kids are playing Mass Effect or Famicom Detective
I'm playing a Zelda musou and a Zelda clone 🥲
Coldrun 137p · 200 weeks ago
Art by @feralzone on Twitter.
All prior posts available at
Current progress: FF Type-0, chapter 3. FFXIV, 5.5 MSQ.
CJWriterGal 119p · 200 weeks ago
While Star Trek: Discovery is going to be the last MW project, I have been given official permission to mention that liveblogging is still going to be a thing Mark does from time to time. More specifically, the first liveblog (sometime in June) will be for the show Black Sails. This is its excellent opening theme (no spoilers if you watch it, promise).
I wanted to do a post about the show so that anyone who was interested in either joining the liveblog, or watching ahead of time (or both!) could do so. It is phenomenal and supremely underrated; it got overshadowed by Game of Thrones when it was airing, but now that both shows are over, more and more people are flocking to Black Sails (as they should lol).
In the replies I'm going to do more detailed pitching for the show - both for those that want to go in as unprepared as Mark, and for those who might need some vague spoilers to be sure that this is a show they'd like. I really really *really* hope people watch and enjoy the show: it is so much more than what it seems to be at first glance, and easily my favorite live action TV show of all time.
djinn87 126p · 199 weeks ago
Mark Does Stuff 132p · 199 weeks ago
Medli 141p · 199 weeks ago
Fb... gurl chg bhg gur yvfg bs pbagevohgbef lrfgreqnl. Naq V ybbxrq ng gur cebsvyrf bs gur jevgref gurl pubfr, shyyl rkcrpgvat gb frr fghss gung oyrj zr njnl naq znqr zr srry onq nobhg zl bja jbex, ohg... vg'f gur bccbfvgr? Yvxr V nz trahvaryl abg vzcerffrq jvgu nal bs gur jevgvat V fnj? Naq vg'f rira zber veevgngvat orpnhfr gjb bs gurz qba'g rira unir nal Yrtraq bs Mryqn jevgvat ba gurve NB3 cebsvyrf (guvf vf n Oerngu bs gur Jvyq snvel gnyr gurzrq mvar), naq V'z yvxr ??? guvf vf jung V tbg cnffrq hc sbe? Jura gur zbqf ybbxrq ng zl cbegsbyvb gurl jbhyq'ir frra gung V jnf pheeragyl jevgvat n SNVEL GNYR NQNCGNGVBA, ohg V tbg erwrpgrq va snibe bs fbzrbar jub jevgrf nyzbfg rkpyhfviryl sbe fcbegf navzr??? yvgrenyyl rirelguvat nobhg vg vf onssyvat naq sehfgengvat naq qrzbenyvmvat. ubj znal gvzrf nz V tbvat gb unir zl uneq jbex erwrpgrq yvxr guvf? vg uhegf. znlor V'z shyy bs zlfrys, znlor guvf vf fbhe tencrf, ohg vg whfg qbrfa'g ybbx yvxr gung fgebat n yvarhc naq V'z pbashfrq naq uheg. V qba'g haqrefgnaq nal bs vg. V npghnyyl qb guvax V chg sbegu orggre jevgvat va zl fnzcyrf, naq V qba'g fnl gung yvtugyl, oryvrir zr--vg'f bsgra vaperqvoyl uneq sbe zr gb frr nal tbbq va zl jevgvat. Ohg V ernyyl qb srry guvf jnl naq vg whfg. htu.
djinn87 126p · 199 weeks ago
Medli 141p · 199 weeks ago