5 AM* - Mark Reads Trickster's Queen - Chapter 6
11 AM - Mark Reads The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Chapter 12
1 PM - Mark Watches Supernatural - 2x03 Bloodlust
5 AM - Mark Reads The Kingdom of Gods - Chapter 2
11 AM - Mark Reads The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Chapter 13
1 PM - Mark Watches The West Wing - 5x11 The Benign Prerogative
5 AM - Mark Reads Trickster's Queen - Chapter 7
11 AM - Mark Reads The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Chapter 14
1 PM - Mark Watches Supernatural - 2x04 Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things
5 AM - Mark Reads The Kingdom of Gods - Chapter 3
11 AM - Mark Reads The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Chapter 15/Epilogue
1 PM - Mark Watches The West Wing - 5x12 Slow News Day
5 AM - Mark Reads Trickster's Queen - Chapter 8
11 AM - Mark Reads Ella Enchanted - Chapters 1/2
1 PM - Mark Watches Supernatural - 2x05 Simon Said
Remember, if
you missed the sign-up sheet thread to get the time
stamp of your "verbs" posts edited, tell us in the opening post of your
thread or simply report your comment saying you want to be added to the
list! Additionally, please remember that all video exchanges are to be
done in the Black Market, which you'll find linked in the sidebar.
* All times listed are in the US Pacific timezone.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
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Geeky Weekly Funtimez
Ella Enchanted|Inheritance Trilogy|Mark Reads|Mark Watches|Supernatural|The Ocean at the End of the Lane|The West Wing|Tricksters|weekly summary|
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alchemypotato 129p · 585 weeks ago
Current Progress: Starting Chapter 7 of Wolf-Speaker SOON
So yeah... Tamora Pierce reblogged some of my reviews on tumblr and I'm pretty sure that's a sign I should get back to reading.
Dragon Elexus 124p · 585 weeks ago
Coldrun 137p · 585 weeks ago
I'd also like to share the thing that hooked me into playing this game in the first place: the hauntingly beautiful trailer, set to Dinah Washington:
Current progress: Part #2 - The Morninglight/Into the Labyrinth
lossthief 111p · 585 weeks ago
Premieres keep on coming! Upcoming series include:
Nobunaga the Fool
Buddy Complex
Witch Craft Works
Super Sonico The Animation
The Pilots Love Song
elphaba_cee 113p · 585 weeks ago
[screencap from SPN 2x04]
This is where Mark lets us know when a new video is up. Link exchanges and donations take place on the Black Market post. Below are links to the page for each show so you don’t have to search the store (just click on the show title), plus a list of the episodes that will be uploaded for the week.
For the love of baby Gandalf, PLEASE WAIT until Mark says a new video is actually up before you try and buy it. There is a brief lag time between when a video shows up in the store and when the file is physically there. Every time someone tries to buy a video before the file is there, that is more work for Mark, who is already being awesome by giving us a heads up so we can download these videos a week early. Watch this thread, not the store page.
VERONICA MARS (I’m guessing there will be a new page for the new season, but that link doesn’t exist yet. here is the link to the old one, in the unlikely event Mark uses that, but I’ll put the new link in the replies once there is one.)
[Season 2 predictions on Monday]
KickbackYak 122p · 585 weeks ago
Well, I will be, but it's going to be the new Agents of SHIELD and Sherlock episodes, so whatever I have to say about them will be going in their respective threads and not here.
No, like I said last week, I'll be largely watching AGDQ 2014 instead. I won't talk about that here, though.
But I will be watching TV next week. Some of you know what that will be already. More of you don't. But I assure you, you will all know what I'm talking about when the new post goes up next week.
So? Anybody want to guess what the hell is going on? If you name it right, you'll receive a wonderful prize (which is just going to be my admiration really ;) ). It's a pretty awesome prize, if I don't say so myself :p
There are clues everywhere, people. All you have to do is find out where they lead.
Why am I so evil and rambly xD
[People in the "know what I'm talking about" category do not count. Obviously :p ]
KickbackYak 122p · 585 weeks ago
It continues!
Current progress: 2/30
Currently reading:
- Eon: Rise of the Dragoneye (have yet to start)
- A Monster Calls (same here)
- AGoT (five chapters in)
Again, feel free to talk amongst yourselves. And be sure to yell at me if I'm not talking back. :D
knut_knut 137p · 585 weeks ago
megotelek 112p · 585 weeks ago
Current Progress: Summit Forest
alchemypotato 129p · 585 weeks ago
In truth I'm like not getting any sleep. I'm stressed but also super excited (because of the move and the amazing road trip adventure!)
So anyhow... yeah. I haven't been doing things because my mind has been elsewhere. But I do need to watch some SPN this week to get ahead again... so I'll find some time for that... but not today. Too tired.
TDM · 585 weeks ago
And remains mostly unspoiled, though seems to be suspicious of everybody.
Next episode: Season 2 Episode 9
Fajen Thygia 119p · 585 weeks ago
Current progress: End of Episode 3
karate0kat 94p · 585 weeks ago
I stopped posting episode by episode because I started an embroidery project while I was watching which meant no note taking or even pausing between episodes. But I figured I'd check in.
Progress: just finished 2X10
stefb4 131p · 585 weeks ago
ABC Family has been playing Muppet movies. They are playing Muppet movies all day today. You're welcome.
ppyajunebug 137p · 585 weeks ago
The Drop Off
It's for their Gal Scientist column and all the comments have been really positive so far and I'm definitely coming up with ideas for another piece!
Aaaaaaand now back to watching "Death Comes to Pemberley"
stefabur 109p · 585 weeks ago
Holy. Hell.
elphaba_cee 113p · 585 weeks ago
Current progress: 1.01
Ladylark 110p · 585 weeks ago
StungunMilly 108p · 585 weeks ago
stefb4 131p · 585 weeks ago
October Daye #3
karate0kat 94p · 585 weeks ago
Not exactly my dream job, but it's a paycheck, and my roommate works there so I know my soon to be coworkers are good people to work with. I start orientation on Thursday.
Schlick51 88p · 585 weeks ago
Shmaylor 114p · 585 weeks ago
Starts with 8x13
I probably won't be getting to the episodes until later this week, but I thought I'd go ahead and throw the post up now.
djinn87 126p · 585 weeks ago
therealsolitair 74p · 585 weeks ago