Sunday, January 20, 2013

Geeky Weekly Funtimez

Episode Reviews
Monday: Cowboy Bebop - Sympathy for the Devil
Tuesday: Princess Tutu - Dreaming Aurora and Black Adder - Series One
Wednesday: Cowboy Bebop - Heavy Metal Queen and LOST Rewatch - Through the Looking Glass
Thursday: Princess Tutu - The Crow Princess and LOST Rewatch - Pilot, Part One and Two
Friday: Cowboy Bebop - Waltz for Venus and Black Adder - Series Two

Chapter Reviews
 Monday: Wild Magic - Epilogue
Tuesday: Deadline - Chapter 19
Wednesday: Wolf-Speaker - Predictions
Thursday: Deadline - Chapter 20
Friday: Wolf-Speaker - Chapter 1

I don't believe he has anything planned for Plays this week.

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Review of Evangelion 2.22: You Can (Not) Advance in the reply.
1 reply · active 622 weeks ago
Music Thread

I just heard this track! It's from the OST of an update coming soon to my MMO and I think it's really pretty.
7 replies · active 622 weeks ago
Alice Plays Mass Effect

The Saga Continues

I Just Thought I Should Put More Than One Line In This Comment Because It Felt Weird Posting Something That Was Just One Line
43 replies · active 622 weeks ago
Ryan Watches FMA Brotherhood
41 replies · active 621 weeks ago
Aleyha Watches The X-Files

Figured I'd jump onto the bandwagon - just downloaded all 9 seasons, and super excited to get started after everything I've heard about it since I joined the community... which admittedly isn't much. (I'll do a whole what I know about the X-files from before below.) But I've understood that basically everyone with quality taste loves it. SO. :)
15 replies · active 621 weeks ago
Pica buys a plane ticket to visit spectralbovine

Holy crap, you guys! Now the ghost-cow is going to know exactly how cool and funny I'm not in real life. Someone please hold my hand remind me to breathe normally. I'm terrible at this real-life-interaction-with-new-people thing. I'll be in Oakland from Feb 21-25, if anyone else is nearby and wants to hang out. And I'm bringing the greatest hits of my tea collection, because I'm just that cool and not dorky at all.
12 replies · active 622 weeks ago
spectralbovine watches Adventure Time

6 replies · active 622 weeks ago
It's official, Mark is coming to my library! And also blames me for making this whole tour happen which, what?

But I know there are a bunch of MA and CT people around the Spoils blog so I hope you can make it [even if Boston does have their own event too...]! My house has lots of crash space, as long as you're not allergic to cats.
9 replies · active 622 weeks ago
Proposed topics for The Dollhouse meme:

Day 1: Favorite Episode
Day 2: Favorite Line or Scene
Day 3: Least Favorite Episode
Day 4: Favorite Female Character
Day 5: Least Favorite Female Character
Day 6: Favorite Male Character
Day 7: Least Favorite Male Character
Day 8: Favorite Friendship
Day 9: Favorite Romance/Ship
Day 10: Favorite Imprint
Day 11: Favorite Villain
Day 12: Character You Love to Hate
Day 13: What You Disliked Most About the Series
Day 14: Tech-Head Skills to be Added or Removed
Day 15: Your Very Own Personal Attic
Day 16: Crossover You Would Like to See
Day 17: Character You Relate To the Most
Day 18: Character Who Didn’t Get Enough Screen Time
Day 19: Character You Like That Everyone Else Hates
Day 20: How Long You Would Survive the Thoughtpocolypse
Day 21: What Happens After Epitaph Two
Day 22: Off-Screen or Flashbacked Event You Wanted to See
Day 23: Question That Was Never Answered
Day 24: Favorite Fight Scene
Day 25: Favorite Song Used In An Episode
Day 26: Biggest Surprise
Day 27: Cutest Moment
Day 28: Character Death Revoked or Enacted
Day 29: Non-Death-Related Thing You Would Change
Day 30: The Best Part of Dollhouse

A lot of the standard questions just don't work with the short series. Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions? I'm a little hesitant on 17 and 19.
1 reply · active 622 weeks ago
Day One: Favorite Episode

My favorite episode is probably Briar Rose. It is full of so many great moments without sacrificing the narrative to fit them all in. Ballard doing something smart, and ending up inside the Dollhouse. The Alpha reveal. Echo acting on her own in the fight, and intelligently. Victor's reaction to the fight. Oh, and the Alpha reveal.
10 replies · active 622 weeks ago
Lossthief Watches New Anime


I'd planned on finishing this up last week, but because of all the snow and the not-having-internet-for-three-days, I only got through 3 new shows. SO:

Coming This Week
Maoyu episode 2
Oreshura episode 2
Bakumatsu Gijinden Roman episode 2
Hakkenden episode 2
Kotoura-san episode 2
4 replies · active 622 weeks ago
So I'm thirty now.

15 replies · active 622 weeks ago
Testing my gif posting skills. I hope this is an acceptable first gif to post (if it works, that is).

13 replies · active 622 weeks ago
I posted a review of Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan on Goodreads.

Sarah Rees Brennan "liked" my review.

I tweeted Mark to ask him how far he is in the book.

Ms. Brennan laughed at my pain.

Mark replied.


Then Ms. Brennan linked me to a snippet from Untold, the unpublished second book in the series — which I had just finished reading on Livejournal, and which broke me even more.


She continued to laugh at my pain.

This is the comment I left:
8 replies · active 622 weeks ago
spectralbovine watches Game of Thrones

Apparently the show will be taken off OnDemand on March 1. Seriously? A month before the new season premieres, you remove people's ability to catch up? Better watch these last eight episodes before then!

Current Progress: Season 2, Episode 2.
66 replies · active 622 weeks ago
I just finished Naoki Urasawa's "Monster"



How have I never read this manga before?

Plain text spoilers in reply.
4 replies · active 622 weeks ago
Elie Reads Clash of Kings

Current Progress: Chapter 11

At my current rate, do you think it's possible to finish Clash, Storm, and Season two of Got before the new season? Or is that just wishful thinking?
32 replies · active 622 weeks ago
LucyGoosey's avatar

LucyGoosey · 622 weeks ago

Re: Tonight's OUAT

AKA, Ruby Lucas is STILL a better person than you

Naq frevbhfyl perngbef, fgbc jvgu gur xvyyvat bs phgr fvqrxvpxf. Vf gung jung unccrarq gb Zhfuh?
9 replies · active 622 weeks ago
Have you guys seen the Jim Hines pose like women on book covers series? It's super fantastic if you haven't. It started out as a way to explore sexism in genre book art and kind of took on a life of its own. Here's a link to the original post on his blog:

And, as a part of a fundraiser, they hit a number last week that resulted in this:

You should go read the blog post. That's Hugo Award winner Mary Robinette Kowal in the middle.
1 reply · active 622 weeks ago
Hey guys, I will be in San Francisco Feb 6-9 and April 23-27. I'm tied up a lot on the first trip but could have time for a Wed afternoon coffee meeting, Friday afternoon coffee meetup or post dinner beer that Friday or coffee Saturday morning before I fly home. I haven't booked a hotel yet but it'll be Fin District/SOMA/Union Square mostly likely and close to a Blue Bottle because I'm needy about my coffee.

Yell if anyone wants a meetup.
3 replies · active 622 weeks ago
You may perhaps be interested in my thoughts on Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.
1 reply · active 622 weeks ago
Lossthief Just Got Back from a Show and Needs to Gush About It


Now that that's out of the way. Someone here may remember I talked about getting tickets a month or so ago for a show featuring La Dispute, The Menzingers, and Hot Water Music. Well that was tonight, and it was a FUCKING BLAST.

First off was the 90 minute drive there, which wasn't fantastic, but it was at least interesting in that it's the longest driving trip I've ever done. After I managed to find parking (Which was a pretty big hassle considering I was there an hour before the doors even opened) I got into line. I was on my own, and just planned on sticking it out alone. I'd been to shows before like that, and it was always fun. But somehow I ended up chatting with this guy and girl in front of me. We started talking about the bands, and the surprising amount of 15-year-old girls in attendance (which it turns out is something that happens when La Dispute is in town). A couple of their friends showed up as the doors opened and I just sort of hung out with them the whole night.

We got right up at the front for The Menzingers' set, and it was fucking fantastic. Sadly the kids there solely for La Dispute weren't really into it, but the first 5 rows of people could not have given less of a shit. The entire front of the crowd sang along with every song during their set. After that we decided to hang back during La Dispute's set, since the crowd was bound to get kind of...screechy. Still, even from the back of the crowd those guys put on a really great performance, and when they closed out their set with "King Park" the whole crowd cheered.

There was kind of a large exodus after LD's set, but that just meant we were able to get up front again for Hot Water Music's set. I should mention that I'm not really that into HWM, mostly because I haven't listened to most of their stuff, save their latest album, Exister. I'm only familiar with that album, and even though can only recognize a few songs off of it. But despite all of that, I have to say that Hot Water Music FUCKING. KILLED IT. Despite knowing only two songs, I was still cheering and jumping and shouting along with the whole crowd during their songs. They've been playing music for as long as I've been alive and it shows in just how much energy and passion they put into every single second of their performance.

My only little disappointment is that The Menzingers didn't play "Casey". I love that song to death and to hear it live would have been fantastic. But you can't have everything, and their set was still fucking great.

This has been Midnight Music Ramblings with Lossthief.
1 reply · active 622 weeks ago
Day Two: Favorite Line or Scene
If you can't pick between the two, feel free to post both.

My pick is both in one.
We were introduced to the post-apocolypse in the first few moments, and then quickly settle into a master course in how the tech and Rossum led directly to the fall of civilization. When we needed a break from the rapid download, we get the drawing room mystery to occupy our attention. Eventually the reavers attack, the heroes escape, and class is dismissed and then....this.... this perfect summary of what we have just watched, and what it cost, and it's just more painful with more understanding. "Kids playing with matches...and they burned the house down."

Tomorrow: Least favorite episode
9 replies · active 622 weeks ago
Incidentally, the Tamora Pierce posts on Mark Reads this week should read:

Monday: Wild Magic - Epilogue
Wednesday: Wolf-Speaker - Predictions
Friday: Wolf-Speaker - Chapter One

Not that I suspect there's a whole lot of confusion there, but ACCURACY!

ETA: I feel like I have created real change in the world. My life is worthwhile. Thank you for validating my existence.
Operation: Get Mark a Hugo

John Scalzi has made an impassioned plea for Mark's reading of his own Hugo-nominated work to be nominated for Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form, also known as Best Doctor Who Episode. It's cute, but he has no chance.

You know what category he does have a chance in, though? Best Fan Writer. Consider the fact that he spent all of last year covering the works of Joss Whedon. Consider how many popular writers have become fans of him and would totally support him if he were on the ballot.

So, how do we get him on the ballot?

Hugo nominations are now open until March 10. You are eligible to vote if you have a membership for last year's WorldCon in Chicago or you buy a membership for this year's in San Antonio or next year's WorldCon in London.

Here is the catch: you must buy a membership by January 31.

A Supporting Membership costs $60. This is what you buy if you don't intend to attend WorldCon, but if you choose to, you can upgrade. For this price, you get all of the following:

The ability to nominate for this year's Hugos.The ability to vote for this year's Hugos.The ability to nominate for next year's Hugos.The Hugo Voters Packet, which contains electronic versions of every nominated work—including graphic novels—except for television episodes and movies.
Just the five nominated novels alone make it worth it. It's an astounding value, and it lets you participate in one of the sci-fi/fantasy community's most prestigious awards, which is awarded not by some highbrow committee of elders but by the fans.

Also, you can nominate and vote for Mira Grant's Blackout and San Diego 2014 or any of Seanan's other Hugo-eligible work.

The first step is to buy a Supporting Membership by January 31.

All right, guys: let's get Mark a Hugo.
82 replies · active 621 weeks ago

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