Sunday, November 18, 2012

Geeky Weekly Funtimez

Episode Reviews
Monday: Dollhouse - Needs
Tuesday: Angel - Harm's Way
Wednesday: Dollhouse - A Spy in the House of Love
Thursday: Angel - Soul Purpose
Friday: Dollhouse - Haunted

Meanwhile on Reads, Mark continues Newsflesh and Song of the Lioness, and on Plays he continues Dragon Age: Origins.

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First off I want to thank everyone who posted well wishes and gifs of small animals. You were very helpful. As far as I know the cancer is confined to his lungs, and we won't know if it's spread to his lymph nodes until later this week. Hopefully not, as then surgery is is very much an option.


Elie Plays Dragon Age 2.

V guvax Sraevf zvtug or gur Zbeevtna bs guvf tnzr va grezf bs qvssvphygl gb cyrnfr. Znxvat qrpvfvbaf gung sbyybj zl bja zbeny pbzcnff graq gb fjvat obgu jnlf qrcraqvat ba jurgure be abg zntrf ner vaibyirq, naq V'ir jnfgrq n ybg bs gvzr gelvat gb xrrc uvf sevraqfuvc hc orsber vg jnf rkcynvarq gb zr gung evinyel jnf abg n onq guvat.

V unir gb jbaqre jung pnhfrf crbcyr gb abgvpr V'z n zntr be abg gubhtu. Sraevf erpbtavmrq vg qhevat uvf znafvba svtug. Gubfr oybbq zntrf erpbtavmrq vg qhevat bar dhrfg. Phyyra ba gur bgure svtugf nobzvangvbaf ol zl fvqr naq qbrfa'g abgvpr gur sveronyyf V'ir orra guebjvat. Fbzr pbafvfgrapl jbhyq or avpr.

Nyfb Gur erhfvat bs qhatrba zncf vf ernyyl obgurefbzr. Gurl phg bss cnegf bs gur fnzr znc, ohg xrrc gur fnzr znc bhgyvar, naq qba'g rira punatr gur pbybevat be nrfgurgvpf.

Nyfb fgnegrq gur qrrc ebnqf. V jnag Fnaqny nf n cnegl zrzore va QN3. B qba'g xabj ubj vg jbhyq jbex, ohg V qb.
2 replies · active 642 weeks ago
Aaaand now I'm stuck on Branka *facepalm* Man, I suck at this lol.
Just for fun, what are people's favourite Thanksgiving recipes? Anyone have any non-standard traditions for the holiday?
171 replies · active 642 weeks ago
Cait reads Rosemary and Rue

Progress: page 82
16 replies · active 642 weeks ago
Lossthief Re-watches Digimon Adventure
Finally gonna be getting back to these. I've missed the terrible jokes so much!

and of course, this week we'll be learning about the power...OF LOVE!

4 replies · active 642 weeks ago
spectralbovine reads A Dance with Dragons

Keeping track of my progress is weird because the hardcover pages are bigger than paperback pages and the Kindle "pages" are smaller than the hardcover pages and I am just trying to finish this book as fast as I can.

Current Progress: Page 473.
59 replies · active 641 weeks ago
I just borrowed all seven seasons of The West Wing! Once I finish Adventure Time and Game of Thrones, IT'S ON.
21 replies · active 642 weeks ago
spectralbovine watches Adventure Time

Finn will slay anything if it's evil! That's kind of his thing.
23 replies · active 642 weeks ago
So I just finished watching Puella Magi Madoka Magica.

Spoilers for the entire series in reply.
6 replies · active 642 weeks ago
I'm happy to announce that I spent my weekend learning how to make GIFs. It was very confusing at first (it should be noted that I can barely make collages on MS Paint) but I think I have it down now! I'll post some below, because I'm excited about my new skills.
7 replies · active 642 weeks ago
Free Association GIF thread!

20 replies · active 642 weeks ago
Anyone else seeing the spoiler fish floating in a white void?
1 reply · active 642 weeks ago
You and me both, Mae, you and me both.

Seriously, great article if you like Mae Whitman, Parenthood, or FNL. So cute.

(Also, preemptively: Her/Egg/Mayon-egg/Glittered up for Easter/Way to plant/Ann-hog.)
4 replies · active 642 weeks ago
Lil Sebastian Watches Goldfinger

GOLDFINGER! He’s the man, the man with the Midas touch!

On Friday, it may be late due to my attendance at the Iowa-Nebraska football game/slaughter, but we will be discussing Thunderball. I know nothing about this one, so I can’t even try to make a bad joke out of the title.
2 replies · active 642 weeks ago
I am feeling a profound sense of ennui. I want to go on an adventure. Who's in?
4 replies · active 642 weeks ago
you guys I need the Kenshin movie so badly look at this perfect casting

22 replies · active 642 weeks ago
Absolutely the greatest review of Taken 2: Even More Taken ever.

(I was going to pull some quotes but I basically want to quote the entire review.)

(Oh! She's the author of 13 Little Blue Envelopes! That is on my List!)
Look what came in the mail today!

Seanan's been writing Velveteen stories for years, and they always seemed like something I'd like, but I never found the time to read them, even though they are free to read on her website. But now they are in a pretty pretty book! Volume 1! I am already excited for Volume 2 and I haven't even read anything yet.

In 2008, on a whim, I began writing short stories about a strange superhero universe where cosmic powers not only came with great responsibility, they came with great legislation, merchandising, and focus group oversight. Many young heroes were effectively "adopted" by a corporate entity known as The Super Patriots, Inc., which promised to teach them how to best control their amazing gifts.

Some of those junior heroes wanted out. Very few of them ever got it.

Velma "Velveteen" Martinez was one of the young heroes "adopted" by The Super Patriots, Inc. Sweet, smart, and totally marketable, with a power that lent itself well to the kiddie market, she seemed destined to be one of the company's most enduring properties...right up until the day she walked out on the hero world, choosing to return to a civilian life. The reasons are still coming out. More importantly, the Marketing Department is still trying to get her back.
1 reply · active 642 weeks ago
I am going on record here with Breaking Bad and saying that s3e10's "Fly" is the best 45 minutes this show has put out so far. (I'm such a sucker for bottle episodes, you guys.) (Also it was amazing.)
13 replies · active 642 weeks ago
I was just browsing the MDS TV Tropes page, and discovered there's finally an entry in the heartwarming moments page that wasn't written by me, about his telling Madoka "You're not a coward." Yes, the whole page through Tamora Pierce's Facebook post was all me.
So, I'm home for Thanksgiving and conducting my annual search for books I can kidnap and take back to Cali with me. I was actually looking for a baby book so I could figure out the publisher for a baby gift, so I had to go into the big green box where I put all the books for my future children. And look what I found! of these things is not like the other...

What could have happened to this book?!?!?!

...oh that's right.

New puppy + favorite books lying around the house = not so mint condition anymore.

It's good to be home...
6 replies · active 642 weeks ago
I thought this might interest other shallow Once Upon a Time fans. I have no idea whether the film he's talking about is any good but damn his real accent's cute. His face looks oddly naked without the facial hair somehow, plus is it just me or does it make his eyebrows look bigger? Anyway, yeaahhh, I'm an incredibly shallow person. [youtube YVXTLGEePOo&feature=colike youtube]
8 replies · active 642 weeks ago
So remember a couple weeks ago when I put out the call for Renner gifs?

Here's why I needed them:
16 replies · active 642 weeks ago
Here's an awesome video: the final battle for Earth from Mass Effect 3, with the music it deserved. It's amazing how well all the beats fit.
Hey. It's time to share packages from my mailbox again.

So about a week ago, a friend of mine tweeted that was having a big sale on a whole mess of titles. Most of em weren't really my thing, but one title waaayyyyy at the bottom of the list caught my attention, and so I ordered it!

Synopsis from the back of the box:
Sato's life - or what's left of it - is a paranoid mess of conspiracy theories and social anxieties. he's terrified of the outside world; his apartment is overflowing with the remnants of cheap take-out food; and his retinas have been permanently scarred by a steady diet of internet porn. But maybe it's not all his fault. After all, the nefarious N-H-K is out there, and they're determined to turn society's fringe-dwellers into a brainwashed lot of jobless, hopeless, futureless recluses.

Enter Misaki - a mysterious girl-next-door type whos is Sato's last chance to beat down his inner demons and venture out into the light of day. She's ready to help him overcome his crippling phobias, but Sato would rather cower in his existential foxhole and pretend to work on the demo for his virtual sex game.

He's afraid to face the world. She's strangely desperate to fix a total stranger. Maybe together they can be normal.

Now normally I wouldn't buy a show without having seen it before (I like to keep a rather small collection of physical media, though books are my exception) but it was incredibly low-priced during the sale. With shipping included, the entire 24 episode series was only 18 bucks, which is pretty great for anime in the US. So I broke down and ordered it. Now I know what I'll be doing once I finish Last Exile!
5 replies · active 642 weeks ago

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