Sunday, October 21, 2012

Geeky Weekly Funtimez

Episode Reviews
Monday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Touched and Puella Magi Madoka Magica - I'm Not Afraid of Anything Anymore
Tuesday: Angel - Home and Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Miracles and Magic Are Real
Wednesday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - End of Days and Puella Magi Madoka Magica - There's No Way I'll Ever Regret It
Thursday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Chosen and Puella Magi Madoka Magica - This Just Can't Be Right
Friday: Angel - Season Five Predictions and Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Can You Face Your True Feelings?

Meanwhile on Reads, Mark continues Newsflesh and Song of the Lioness, and on Plays he continues Dragon Age: Origins.

Friday: Fringe - The Bullet That Saved the World

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Lossthief Reads and generally flails about The Mark of Athena

I'd honestly forgotten how much I love most of these characters. Especially Leo. OH MY GOD LEO I'VE MISSED YOU.

Current Progress: Page 211
4 replies · active 645 weeks ago
ppyajunebug watches Lost: Season One

Okay, here’s the scoop: I know things about this show. Some little things (character names, everyone loves Hurley), and some big things (the Dharma Initiative, weird flashback structure, something about a hatch). I did not live in a pop-culture vacuum when it came to this show (and, honestly, anyone on the Internet after this debuted can’t HELP but ~know things~ about it). But the fact is, I really don’t know where or when things happen. I only ever saw the end of one episode and I don’t even know what season it was. So, this is going to be interesting.
39 replies · active 645 weeks ago
Ryan plays Mass Effect
11 replies · active 645 weeks ago
To quote the Master, we are in the final days.
9 replies · active 646 weeks ago
spectralbovine reads A Feast for Crows

An update on my reading schedule! Given that each chapter seems to be about twenty pages long, I'm going to read four or five chapters this week and plan to finish the book on October 30. I will start ADwD afterward with no break, but the wedding week will be a low-pagecount week. Plan your lives accordingly.

Current Progress: Page 819.
107 replies · active 645 weeks ago
Mark is such an enabler.

I just bought Dragon Age: Origins. *Facedesk* I know NOTHING ABOUT IT, I will have to catch up...
4 replies · active 646 weeks ago
I finished Buffy this weekend. It's such a weird feeling. I've been watching along for so long and now it's done. I've seen all 144 episodes. What a journey, you guys. I think a bunch of pop culture references are going to make so much more sense now.
5 replies · active 646 weeks ago
spectralbovine watches My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

I just finished season one! It definitely improved a lot from the early episodes and became a lot less formulaic as it had more character-focused stories. Although I'm enjoying it, I must admit I still don't quite understand the brony phenomenon. It is a solid, well-written children's show, but it doesn't seem to have much real adult appeal. I expected there to be more references for parents to pick up on (I did like the Diamond Dogs, ha) and more complex stories and themes.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are my favorites, both voiced by the same actor despite having opposite personalities. I think because I'm an extroverted introvert, I relate to both of them as the two sides of my own personality (although I am nowhere near as extroverted as Pinkie Pie, even on a good day). Also, they have the cutest voices. I really enjoy Spike and his general sarcasm (and I always identify with someone with a hopeless crush). Applejack and Rainbow Dash I go up and down on (and I sometimes forget Applejack is a girl because she's such a tomboy). Rarity is my least favorite, but she does have her moments (she was great in the Diamond Dogs episode). And Twilight Sparkle is mostly just sort of there as the straight man; I like her well enough.

(I see what you mean about the Cutie Mark Crusaders episodes. There were two in a row! And they are kind of annoying. But "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" was an awesome episode since it wasn't really about them.)

I do really like that this show actually is about the magic of friendship and looks at all the typical travails of being friends with people with diverse personalities, and the messages at the end never feel cheesy. Even though it's treading familiar ground (friends are great, trust your friends, friends are awesome, friends help each other, listen to your friends, and so on), it still feels fresh and original for some reason.
28 replies · active 645 weeks ago
Okay, so I tried watching Adventure Time yesterday, partly because I adore good western animation, and partly because so many people love it.

Not sure if I can ever get that into it. Its just...really, really weird. I feel I'm on an acid trip watching it, and I suppose I just like a little more coherency to stories.

That said, I definitely appreciate the wacky humour and weird visuals. Also, but complete coincidence, the episodes I watched mostly focused around this guy called the Ice King...and oh, boy, that backstory. I did not expect it in a cartoon like this. Na vaabprag nagvdhrf pbyyrpgbe jub orpnzr cbffrffrq naq pbeehcgrq ol gur fabj pebja, nyybjvat uvz gb fheivir gur Ahpyrne Ubybpnhfg, ohg ng gur rkcrafr bs nyy uvf ybirq barf naq uvf zrzbevrf? Holy fuck.

Tell me there's a good fanfic giving resolution to that poor man.

Otherwise, I'm moping about the sudden and unexplained three month hiatus of Young Justice after coming back for just two episodes.
11 replies · active 646 weeks ago
Kickpuncher watches Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Current progress: Episode 3
14 replies · active 646 weeks ago
Walking Dead thread!
14 replies · active 646 weeks ago
So, I just finished season 2 (including the Christmas episode) of Downtown Abbey and

Spoilers in reply
5 replies · active 646 weeks ago
Downton Abbey 03x06

obviously spoilers below
4 replies · active 646 weeks ago
Snapsnips watches nothing, reads nothing.

Srsly. I've given up on the end of angel 4 and buffy. Honestly, as much as I love Nathan Fillion, Caleb has never appealed to me. He's just too much of a caricature villain. I'm sad to say that s7 did go down hill after a while. And the Jasmine arc really does very little for me either. I might watch Angel s5, but I don't know. I'm going to have to put Madoka on hold as well. Just too much going on to actually watch tv I have to pay attention to. I'm still in the early days of my DA:O replay and that's all I really care about - that and the Feed reviews.

I've read all the Newsflesh novels and quit after two Pierce novels. They weren't compelling enough to spend $8 each on I'm afraid.

I tune in every night before bed to catch up with the Mark Does Stuff sites and check for interesting stuff in the talks here and the SpectralBovine GRRM posts. It's why my replies show up hours or days after posts are made.

I have Madoka mentally bookmarked for later when I do have time for TV. All this real life, getting in the way of my pop culture social life.
68 replies · active 646 weeks ago
LucyGoosey's avatar

LucyGoosey · 646 weeks ago

Hmm...has anyone here read the Bloody Jack series of YA novels? Tonights OUAT brought my childhood love of pirates back a roaring (I was a weird kid- in this order, pirates, camping, horses, dinosaurs. I was so mad when Pirates of the Caribbean came out when I was a teen- there was hardly any pirate stuff when I was a kid!)
Dexter spoilers!
9 replies · active 646 weeks ago
Music Meme day 08 - your favorite musical

Wicked! Avenue Q! Rent! Jesus Christ Superstar! Camelot! The Fiddler on the Roof! Cinderella! The Sound of Music! Buffy musical! Chicago! Moulin Rouge! Phantom of the Opera! Bye Bye Birdie! Into the Woods! Oklahoma! My Fair Lady! Grease!

I love musicals. It's why I'm still watching Glee, despite all the problems with that show. Express an emotion with a song and you've got me hooked.

If I have to pick just one musical, I think I'll go with Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella, the one with Brandi. I adored this musical when I was a child. I actually wore out the VHS from watching it so often. It's a fairy tale! And the songs are so fun. I especially love the opening duet between Cinderella and the Prince, which they wrote just for this edition; it's what bumps it up above the Julie Andrews soundtrack for me. I like that Cinderella and the Prince meet before the ball, and that they actually have some things in common that make a relationship between them plausible.

On top of that I love every single song. Impossible is something of a mantra I can hum to myself when things start to get overwhelming. I'll often find myself singing A Lovely Night after a particularly good date (and occasionally I Could Have Danced All Night, but that's a different musical). In high school, I got to choreograph a waltz to Ten Minutes Ago when the choir did a Broadway review.

I do need to give a special shout out to Jesus Christ Superstar, which I listen to every Easter. It's about the only tradition I observe in conjunction with that holiday, but it's an important one.

Tomorrow: your favorite use of a song in a (non-musical) movie or TV show
44 replies · active 646 weeks ago
Maybe this should be really easy, but how do I post a gif? I want to use gifs to show just how much I cared about today's episode of Buffy.
5 replies · active 646 weeks ago
In all my rage about Empty Places, I'd forgotten that End of Days is equally terrible :-/ #foreverbitteraboutS7
2 replies · active 646 weeks ago
The statement this viewer has is a picture.

jenny_m watches three movies in one weekend. Thanks, Redbox!

Y'all are getting this because I'm home sick with a stomach bug and I'm bored.

Friday Night
Snow White and the Huntsman - It was bad!

Saturday Night
The Lucky One - It was bad!

Dark Shadows - It is bad!

Seriously, Chris Hemsworth had chemistry with a POPTART in Thor and yet he and K. Stew had NONE. And not for lack of trying on Hems' part.

Also, I rented the Lucky One with the assumption that I would get to see at least Zac Efron's butt. DID NOT HAPPEN.

Dark Shadows is just...maybe if I'd seen the soap?
10 replies · active 646 weeks ago
megotelek asks for manga recommendations!

So I've been meaning to try to read manga for a while now, but it was really intimidating to try to read something in a way that feels backwards to me. So, since I finished watching Puella Magi Madoka Magica, I figured I would get the manga adaptation, since I already know the plot and can figure out what order things are supposed to go in. It's mostly working out, but I'm still having issues with the whole right-to-left thing.

And now I feel vaguely confident about reading in this format, so I thought I would ask the good folks over here for some recommendations. I'm up for anything, really, but as far as my current tastes go in regular comic books, I read Morning Glories, Fables, Atomic Robo, and a few Big Two books (the new Amethyst of Gemworld, Wonder Woman, Batwoman, and the new Marvel Captain Marvel - Carol Danvers, not Billy Batson).
29 replies · active 646 weeks ago
Music thread!

So on Friday I just kind of snapped and decided that the only way I was going to be able to survive my incredibly ridiculous workload was to stop freaking out all the time and just calm down and chill. To that end, I decided to make a new Pandora station full of calming music, based on "Skylines" by Karmacoda and a couple dozen other of my favorite calming songs. Including the below song, which is just beautiful.

Amusingly enough, the station keeps giving me more Minipop songs (it's given me only a couple more on my regular station), and it's clear that the whole album is just as lovely and I really ought to get it. Unfortunately, it's out of print and going for $50 on Amazon Marketplace and $217.42 on eBay. I think I'll just pay $8.99 for the mp3s. I would really like to find a CD, though, because they're local! I want to go see them and get it signed and whatnot!

(I'm also getting a shitload of Massive Attack, and I feel like I should actually buy a Massive Attack CD at some point too. The Fauxliage album sounds like a winner too. arctic_hare, I know you like Delerium; have you heard Fauxliage?)
16 replies · active 645 weeks ago
The final Presidential Debate of the 2012 election is TONIGHT at 8:30 PM Eastern, 5:30 Pacific! You can watch it live online here. Party in the comments!
86 replies · active 646 weeks ago
You guys we watched an episode of Community in my night class today. Also my professor has been bringing up tvtropes since Day 1.
2 replies · active 646 weeks ago

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