Episode Reviews
Monday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Beauty and the Beasts
Tuesday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Homecoming
Wednesday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Band Candy
Thursday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Revelations
Friday: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Lovers Walk
Saturday: Fringe - Welcome to Westfield
Friday: Fringe - Welcome to Westfield
Meanwhile over on Reads, Mark continues The Two Towers.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Geeky Weekly Funtimez
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Geeky Weekly Funtimez
Buffy the Vampire Slayer|Fringe|Lord of the Rings|Mark Reads|Mark Watches|weekly summary|
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spectralbovine 140p · 685 weeks ago
sophiesensation 139p · 685 weeks ago
hallowsnothorcruxes 108p · 685 weeks ago
“Dear fans, all the gratitude. All of it. Very sincerely yours, Martin Freeman.”
knut_knut 137p · 685 weeks ago
Yesterday morning I came downstairs for breakfast and found my mom standing by the window, staring at something in the wetlands. In a tree RIGHT outside our kitchen window, was a HUUUUUGE squirrel drey. THEY LURK MARK READS AND THEY ARE AFTER ME. I don’t know how long it takes them to build those things, but either it wasn’t there at all until yesterday, or it was much, much smaller before.
I don’t think they did much planning, though, because it’s about 2 trees away from a red-tail hawk’s sitting spot. This will not end well.
Also, is anyone else excited that the Giants won last night?? :D
hpfish13 115p · 685 weeks ago
Hmmm....so many answers! From Fellowship I love the battle on Weathertop, the fight in Moria before they run from the Balrog, and Boromir defending Merry and Pippin. In Two Towers I really enjoy all of Helm's Deep, but particularly everything involving Legolas and Gimli (even the shieldboarding, yes). And in RotK there are so many fabulous fights, mostly involving charges of some kind: Faramir's doomed charge, the charge of the Rohirrim, the dead charging in to save the day with Aragorn, Legolas and Gimili, the charge in the battle at the Black Gate. YOU CAN'T MAKE ME CHOOSE!!!!!!!!!
clawsight 86p · 685 weeks ago
This watch through of Buffy is probably my...4rd? 5th? watch through to this point in the series. The reason being is that this episode triggers the fuck out of me. The first time I was able to keep going a couple more episodes before realizing how much of a break I needed, and each subsequent attempt has ended up in me just stopping after this episode, sobbing my eyes out, promising myself I'll pick up watching again in a few days... and then I don't.
Several months to a year later I decide to retry Buffy -- I liked it so much before! -- and...I forget that there's a super triggering episode. Or I forget which episode it is. And then I get into the episode and only realize it's the triggering one once I'm really invested in the story and I tell myself that This Time It Will Be Different. And then. It isn't. AND THE CYCLE BEGINS ANEW.
See, and the thing is, this episode also contains my favorite moment in Buffy. Where Angel, on his knees, heart, mind and soul in turmoil, trying to recover from Hell, holds Buffy -- clinging to her for support, obviously the only stable thing in his universe and she can't even look at him. And she just looks up, tears running down her face, standing there and being strong for him. THIS IS WHAT I ACTIVELY REMEMBER FROM THIS EPISODE WHEN I SEE THE TITLE AND DESCRIPTION. Well, that, and Oz.
This time through I was watching -- all excited to be watching the ANGEL HUGS BUFFY episode -- and then I saw a familiar actress -- the one who plays Debbie -- wondered where I'd seen her before and then it hit me oh shit this is the triggering episode and I turned it off and moved on to the next episode.
All of this is to let you know that some of the details of it are fuzzy in my mind. I remember a few scenes vividly (Angel hugging Buffy! Jack London!) a few in a fractured way (the beating scenes) and the rest of the episode is pretty fuzzy. Like, I don't remember the content of Buffy confronting Debbie -- just that it happened. So, I might miss a few things when I talk about it later on. Or might pass on talking about the things I don't remember all that well
affableevil 107p · 685 weeks ago
spectralbovine 140p · 685 weeks ago
hpfish13 115p · 685 weeks ago
I'm torn between Edoras and Hobbiton. Both places are filled with really awesome people (or hobbits!) and they are both just so beautiful. I would totally live in either place!
hpfish13 115p · 685 weeks ago
Tauriel_ 109p · 685 weeks ago
Plus a LOT of headdesking. I hate people who are incapable of reading comprehension and ask the same question twice even though I answered it five minutes ago.
affableevil 107p · 685 weeks ago
I remember months ago there was the suggestion of liveblogs on this site. And I thought it was a great idea and made a post and people seemed to like it, so in typical me fashion I never set a date or anything and then kind of forgot about it. SO LET'S HAVE A LIVEBLOG OR SOMETHING?
How does this Saturday sound?
stefb4 131p · 685 weeks ago
Does anybody else frequent fanfiction.net? Are the words coming out centered when you read them? Because it MAKES ME WANT TO RIP MY HAIR FROM MY HEAD AND PUNCH MY MONITOR. Looking at it literally makes my skin crawl I DON'T KNOW WHY I JUST DON'T LIKE IT. I want to send them an angry email to FIX IT JUST FIX IT. I've been on the site for 10 years (omgggg have i been reading fanfiction that long?) and nothing else has annoyed me as much as this does. THIS BETTER BE TEMPORARY OR I AM FOREVER DOOMED TO READ FANFICTION ON MY PHONE.
It's the little things.
stefb4 131p · 685 weeks ago
dorkyvegan 116p · 685 weeks ago
I fell behind on Lord of the Rings last Wednesday so I'm still playing catchup with that. I'm listening to the audiobook while I draw, so I'm not absorbing every little detail like when I read, but it's a nice way to get two things done at once. Plus, they SING the songs on the audiobook! It's not full versions with instruments and everything like the Brian Jacques audiobooks do but still, it's nice. And Gollum is so creepy sounding! I nearly gave up on audiobooks a while ago because they were done so badly, but this seems to have pulled out all the stops. It's nice.
cait0716 125p · 685 weeks ago
Tauriel_ 109p · 685 weeks ago
Last known WWI veteran Florence Green dies at 110
What I particularly liked about it was this:
Retired Air Vice-Marshal Peter Dye, director-general of the RAF Museum, said it was fitting that the last survivor of the first global war was someone who had served on the home front.
"In a way, that the last veteran should be a lady and someone who served on the home front is something that reminds me that warfare is not confined to the trenches," Dye said.
Hear, hear! *applauds* Heroism isn't always visible, showy and celebrated, but it doesn't make it any less heroic. Rest in peace, Florence. :)
hpfish13 115p · 685 weeks ago
Let's see.....I'm not a huge dramatic poem/song fan. So my favorite's are both fun songs instead of story oriented ones. I love the version of Hey Diddle Diddle from the Prancing Pony scene. It's kind of fun thinking that that is where the nursery rhyme we have today came from. Also, I love "A Walking Song" because in the version of the audio books I listened to it was so bouncy and fun, and then they adapted it to such a mournful song in RotK.
canyonoflight 76p · 685 weeks ago
This is seriously my favorite season, with season 7 a close second.
Medli 141p · 684 weeks ago
misterbernie 111p · 684 weeks ago
Did anyone else remember that the EEs are really really long?
And am I the only one who actually has a difficult time taking the movie completely seriously? I don't know why, I mean it's still very pretty, but after having seen it, er, a lot, and seeing/reading a lot of parodies, it kinda gets difficult not to laugh at Elijah Wood's O-face when he's fingering his ring and ... some of the deliveries (A balrrrrrrrog of Morrrrrrrgoth!) ... also the consta!whisper of the Elves gets kinda grating after some time.
In less mock-y news, Sean Bean makes me ship Boromir/Myself. I want to stroke his hair and tell him he's pretty and that Gondor shall not fall. (Also also, both for Viggo Mortensen and Sean Bean, their regular shaved selves do nothing for me, but put them in LotR armour and let them grow some scruff and yes please).
hpfish13 115p · 684 weeks ago
I have been listening to the LotR soundtracks in an attempt to answer this question. And I did a terrible job of narrowing down my answer. I ended up with 19 songs on my list (out of more than 60, so that's fairly good, right?) and here they are
-Concerning Hobbits
-Many Meetings
-The Council of Elrond (especially the end)
-The Bridge of Khazad Dum
-The Breaking of the Fellowship
-May it Be
Two Towers
-The Uruk-Hai
-The King of the Golden Hall
-Helm's Deep
-Forth Eorlingas
-Isengard Unleashed
-Gollum's Song
Return of the King
-The White Tree
-The Steward of Gondor
-Twilight and Shadow
-The Fields of Pelennor
-The Black Gate Opens
-The Return of the King
-Into the West
I tried, really I did :)
jenskiss 123p · 684 weeks ago
Coalha 68p · 684 weeks ago
Tauriel_ 109p · 684 weeks ago
Billy Connolly has been cast as Dáin! :D :D :D
I think he's a great choice, and with him the main cast of the Hobbit should be now complete.
I'm just a bit impatient about the next videoblog - PJ mentioned that it would come out "very early in the new year", but we're one third into February and still nothing yet! Grr!