Monday, February 7, 2011

Mark Watches ‘Doctor Who’: S03E08 – Human Nature

Over on 'Mark Watches' the review for Human Nature is up.

Spoilers (and the Doctor's full directions to Martha) are below.

EDIT: Okay, now that I'm back from class I see that this has jumped the gun a bit. Anyone know what time Mark usually puts up his 'Watches' reviews? I have the next week of posts all written  up and I want to get them scheduled to appear roughly at the same time as Mark's do so I don't have to worry about stalking Mark's site between classes.

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Oh god, how's he going to react to John Smith? I predict TEARS FOREVER and sad gifs.
5 replies · active 735 weeks ago
I'm really curious. I feel like people have kinda prepped him for the awesomeness of Blink, but these episodes are Cryfest 2007 and I don't think he is prepared for these two episodes AT ALL.
I sob every time and I'm expecting it.
Me too. When they do that thing that flash-forwards through his life with Nurse Joan? It's worse than Up.
Oh, god, and him asking at the end if the children are safe... Oh god, the tears NEVER CEASE.

(am currently obsessively refreshing marks page- he usually updates around 10pm my time. It is 9:25. Oh god, help me, I'm addicted.)
That scene is absolutely heartbreaking. Especially since the Doctor does seem to have this deep-seated desire for family and security (really, really deep down, in case of the security part) but as himself, he's simply incapable of them. Not only has he lost his family, I don't think he'd be able to stay in one place, no matter how much he might want to.
It's so much better that way isn't it? :D Seriously though, these episodes are so emotionally wrecking. John Smith's story and everything Martha has to deal with... ;___;
Okay, I expect the John Smith crying gif to be posted a lot. I love that thing. Above all, though, I'm most excited for Utopia, and the ones after that. I love those episodes so much.
Today's DW review was posted at about 1:40 pm PST, I think, which seems to be about the same time as his usual posts, but I think there's a bit of delay from when he posts to the site and when it shows up on, so people following his twitter get a link and can comment immediately.

Regardless, I don't think it's a problem to post the spoiler post earlier than the review, so no worries. And I'd rather it be early than late.
I'm currently watching the hungry earth on iplayer and now... the earth opening up and eating people bit is JUST NOT SCARY any more! After his 'crazy' idea for his own episode I just can't take it seriously. I cannae wait for Mark to watch it!
1 reply · active 735 weeks ago
NeonProdigy's avatar

NeonProdigy · 735 weeks ago

Hahaha, yes. I am very much looking forward to when Mark gets to the Hungry Earth.
I can't wait for him to get to the part where the Doctor screws over the Family of Blood at the end. Also, Utopia. :3
10 replies · active 735 weeks ago
Yea. I want to see his reaction. My reaction is sort of ... well, it's interesting because I'm not sure we've ever really grasped that so much of this time the Doctor is being NICE. And he has this Master-y capability that he could so completely indulge in if he wanted to. He doesn't because he is nice. It's another dimension that we haven't had yet, I don't think. Have we?
I understand completely! What he does to the family is simply horrific! I think I feel the worst for 'Sister of Mine' for some reason. Maybe it's because she looks like a little girl, but the way she looks when she's trapped in the mirror... So sad.

And I do think the Doctor could have been just like the Master under different circumstances. If the Time Lords had embedded the drums in the Doctor's head, I think he would have gone mad too.
If there's one thing you don't want to do, you don't dangle in front of the Doctor things he can't have. Of course, it wasn't the Family who showed him the vision of the life he could have with Joan, but I think that's why he was so harsh. Ten is freaking scary when he's pushed. People say Nine is the darkest incarnation to date, and I really don't think that's true. Nine's kind of snappy and angry, but Ten does things that are really barely justifiable sometimes.

Also, Doctor Who has now made mirrors scary. THANKS A LOT.
Nine isn't the darkest at ALL. Even when he was pissed off and angry, there was never a sense for me at least of him getting out of control with it. He kept his issues on the surface. Ten has them buried under layers and layers of hyperactivity and cheer and it's all the more horrifying when they get out. I kind of can't WAIT for Mark to reach Waters of Mars.
Ten reminds me me a lot of myself, except I don't have anger below the surface - I have sadness.
I'm this terribly cheerful, happy person but there is a lot of self-doubt, self-hate and sadness under that that really only comes out when something major happens to me (lost job, change in life, etc. etc.) and it seems to a lot of people like I'm just whining and being emo because I'm always so happy but if they knew how often I cry when I'm alone.. it's pretty much every day.
Oh man, I know. He gets kind of unhinged near the end there; from the end of Stolen Earth to his regeneration, he seems just broken. I think that's why I can't fully enjoy Ten, because his end is so utterly tragic.
Now you see, it's exactly why I enjoy ten's run so much. Nine is my Doctor, but Ten's arc is still my favorite. I LOVE that he ends up so broken in the end. It's absolutely the perfect conclusion. Then again, I kind of love tragic and screwed up things things. My most rewatched episodes are the ones that make me cry (Doomsday, Journey's End) or leave me feeling slightly disturbed (Midnight, Waters of Mars).
Oh, normally I do too. You've just listed four of my favorite episodes there. I think with Ten it got to feeling like overload. They dropped tragedy after tragedy on his head and by the end, it felt like Ten was some sort of cosmic whipping boy. It was just too much.
Oh yeah, I can see what you mean there. It kind of cracks me up because I see Nine-Eleven as being like

Nine: Oh dear, I'm suffering from PTSD. I basically hate life. I'm going to be withdrawn and pissy.

Ten: Well, I'm starting to get over that survivor's guilt. And I really like humans. Maybe they can be my adopted species! It's not like they have super short fragile life spans, or I'm a danger magnet!

Universe: lolololol *takes everything happy away from him*

Eleven: ....yeah, totally going back to being distant and alien.

Seriously, I laughed at that. A+ post.
I saw his line "■THE OOD!! Oh god, I really hope we see them again sometime." and I was like NO YOU DON'T, THAT MEANS HE'S GOING TO DIE :(
1 reply · active 735 weeks ago

Although I do like seeing Ood again, even if they are ultimately The End. I love the Ood and I'm glad Mark does too. Oooooooood. I really can't wait for him to explode all over the Ood in the 4th season.

I also just like to say Ood. Ood Ood Ood Ood Ood. Odd Ood. Heeeee.

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